Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Three black blurs could be seen in the trees of the forests. Kisame grunted in frustration shifting the body on his shoulder to the other. "Why am I carry her? She's heavier than she looks." He complained.

Pein ignored him and carried on forward. Itachi decided to answer in his place. "You are the strongest of us three along with the fact that you have more chakra than a normal shinobi." With that, Itachi hurried to catch up with Pein. Leaving Kisame mumbling curses to himself as he kept shifting Sakura on each shoulder.


"Arrgh." Sakura groaned. 'Where am I?' Struggling to open her eyes, she looked around her surroundings. She was in a small, dark room with no windows. A dimming light on the ceiling allowing her to see. 'There's the door!' She tried to reach for the doorknob but found that she can't. Straining her neck, she found herself tied to the wall with chains around her wrists, ankles and waist. Sakura tried to free herself by trying to summon chakra to her hands. It didn't work. Groaning in frustration, she realized she was bound by chakra chains. It drains almost all her chakra, leaving enough to only keep her alive.

"You might as well stop. You'll only harm yourself more." A voice echoed through the room, bouncing on and off every wall. Sakura didn't have to squint her eyes or anything to tell that the voice belonged to Itachi Uchiha. His bright crimson orbs gave it away immediately.

"Since when do you care about your prisoners." She spat out.

"Since I was ordered." Itachi countered back camly, walking closer and closer to his hostage. He could tell she was about to comment once again, 'Fiery. The Will of Fire...' however, he gave her no chance. "You will come with me. Leader-sama wants to...see you." At that point, Kisame walked in with his sword strapped to his back. A toothy grin on his face as he approached the struggling kunoichi. Snapping open, the chains, he grabbed both of her wrists in a large blue hand and pushed her forward using the other.

Sakura grunted and walked forward, knowing she was at their mercy since she had no chakra and she can't possibly take on two S-ranked criminals! It's self suicide! Not that she wouldn't give herself up for her friends or for her home, Konoha. Soon, they arrived infront of a door. She saw Itachi knock on the door from the corner of her eye. A quick 'Come in' followed as the door swung open slowly. 'Creepy...' thought Sakura as she was shoved inside the room, Itachi closing the door behind him.

"You will be joining the Akatsuki as our medic." stated the same creepy, demanding voice. Sakura was about to say something before the voice reminded her. "Remember our deal." Memories of Tsunade-shishou and Shizune hurt flashed through her eyes. Suddenly, another memory entered her mind. It was when Tsunade was training her to be a medic.


"Sakura! You mustn't over use the Creation of Rebirth technique!" Tsunade yelled concerned of the young girl that was lying on the mostly destroyed training grounds. Mostly. "You didn't even have that much chakra to start with before we began your training!"

"I'm...Fine Shishou..." Sakura gave a hesitant smile. Tsunade stomped over, gave her student a whack on the head. "Ita! Ita!"

"You could have died baka!" Tsunade yelled as Sakura tried to get up.

"Promise to never ever over use this technique again." Tsunade asked again after Sakura cleaned the dirt off her clothes.

"Of cour-"

"No. Swear on your shinobi honor." Tsunade demanded seriously. Sakura looked surprised, Tsunade knew she never really breaks any promises, unless they were meant to be broken. Everytime she breaks a promise, she feels guilty. That's why everytime she makes a promise, deal or any of the sorts, she keeps it. Swearing on your shinobi honor meant you can never ever break it no matter what circumstances.

"I swear on my shinobi honor, to never over use the forbidden jutsu, Creation of Rebirth." Sakura swore.

"Good. Now," Tsunade had a bright smile, "Lets get some sake! I bet you're just begging for some!"

Sakura laughed heartily, "That's you Shishou!"

:FlashBack Fin: 

"Yeah I remember..." Sakura murmured. 'I'll never break this promise! Believe it!' Naruto's promise flashed through her head. It was the promise of bringing Sasuke back. Naruto says he would never break it, he'll always keep it... What about her? She was taught not to break a deal, but what about now? What should she do?

'Find out more about your capture or information about the Akatsuki?' A voice suggested. 

'Huh? Who's there?'

Sighing, the voice introduced, 'It's Inner you idiot. Inner Sakura. I thought that after your training you would've gotten smarter.' She shrugged. 'Guess I thought wrong.' 

'Hey! Meanie. Ok, back to the situation at hand, should I do what you suggested?' 

'Sure. Whatever.' With these last few words, Inner Sakura disappeared into the deeper depths of Sakura's mind.


"Good. You will stay with Itachi and Kisame. Dismissed." Pein waved them away.

Sighing inwardly, she cursed herself.

'Stupid Inner. You're the reason why I speak my thoughts aloud.'

A/N-Finally finished this chapter. Sorry for the wait!! Well, I got a new cover made for this story and Reflections. Better than the last huh? Well, I'll try my best to update earlier! Angella xxx

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