Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Scraping the last of scrambled eggs off the frying pan and onto a plate. She set it on the table where several more plates of food laid. “There…” She said slowly as she untied the knot and took off the white and pink apron. Unfortunately, the only seat left was between Pein and Itachi. Grudgingly, she took a seat. After the strange feeling swarming in her chest the last time she sat next to him, she made sure to avoid him in every possible occasion. Which wasn’t hard per say, the guy was locked in his office all day. She only saw him during the three meals, occasionally two and if there was a meeting.

She and everyone else started to dig in once all was present. All except for Deidara that is. His lone eye was glaring down at the bowl of rice and plates of food as if it was something that Sakura made to kill him. Even after knowing Sakura’s stay was for good, he still had the hopes of thinking it was possible to kill her or harm her without Leader-sama getting angery. It wasn’t long before Tobi noticed his quietness.

“Why isn’t Deidara-senpai eating? Tobi is eating! Deidara-senpai should eat too!” Tobi cried out dramatically pushing his chair back and leaning against it, tilting on the hind legs of the wooden chair.

With this loud comment, everyone at the table including the chef who just sat down next to Pein and Itachi -unfortunately, looked at Deidara.

Deidara visibly gulped and made a mental note when he saw a murderous look in his leader’s purple-ringed orbs. ‘Why is he so mad?’ He thought to himself while another part of him thought of an excuse or anything, anything that wouldn’t get him killed by the looks of it.

Sakura snapped. “If he doesn’t like it then he doesn’t have to eat it. No big deal.” Her protectiveness and good will of people bubbled up inside despite the fact that she’s defending a criminal.

Deidara blinked at her quite shocked as this wasn’t what he was expecting. Not at all. Grudgingly, feeling as if he owed her something he picked up a pair of chopsticks and ate. Soon, as if everyone  forgot about what happened, continued filling their stomachs. 

Picking up the dirty plates, she then dumped them in the sink. Sighing she started to wash them. She hadn’t realised how the water pressure increased until it started to burn her skin and with a yelp, she dropped a plate, it crashing and breaking into pieces onto the floor.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you.” She turned around eyes wide to see Kisame approaching her and then crouching down to pick up the pieces of broken glass.

“It’s okay…” She sighed in relief before going back to cleaning in silence. She had to surpress her shock when she felt him beside her and cleaning and drying the plates too.

“What are you doing here?” She summoned the courage to ask. The reply was another shock. Two shocking things in one day? That wasn’t good for her health.

“Leader-sama ordered me to help you.”

Her green eyes were wide and her mouth was open and closing much like a fish out of water.

“I don’t know.” The blue figure shrugged as if reading her thoughts going back to washing the dishes. “But he wishes to see you later.”

Sakura stood once more outside the door that was her current leader. Hesitantly she brought a fist up to knock its.

Knock. Knock.


A/N-Sorry for it being so short! I tried to write it in the week I went on holiday but only to realise I got some information wrong so thats why there was another eating scene. :/ I'm terribly sorry! But I'm going to update my other story tomorrow as a sorry!



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