Chapter 11

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A/N-Ugh I just noticed I got some information wrong about the Naruto characters. It has been a while since I've watched naruto so I was bound to get some wrong. Sorry.

Chapter 11

A small groan was heard in the room as green eyes slowly blinked open. The first thing the owner of those eyes saw was the white ceiling. Blinking she tried to sit up only to be pushed down again, rather roughly might she add.

“Stop moving.” A voice grunted. sounding annoyed. She bit her inner cheek when she felt something cool and slightly slimy against her skin and wounds. She stopped when it was taken away, slowly she sat up avoiding any motion from the person beside her that would push her down again. She looked to her side where the person who had healed her and was about to give them a small thank you when words were knocked out of her.

Stood there was a man covered in stitches. Literally. He’s whole body is stitched up connecting the limbs to one another. He even had a few stitches on his face. She wondered if there were any under that mask. ‘Probably.’ She thought to her self. Her mouth must had been open for she received a glare.

“What you looking at.” He said more like a rhetorical  than a question. She shook her head slowly with a small sorry before she got off the table she had been laying down on. “Don’t move your shoulder too much.” He grunted. “That aloe cost me a lot.”

So that must be what felt so cool against her skin. “Thank you.” She murmured and walked out of the room only to bump into a body a few steps after setting foot outside the room

“Cherry-chan! Tobi was worried!” Tobi cried out as he tackled her causing them to fall to the ground. She grunted, the ‘Sorry’ that was on her lips was replaced with an intake of breath and a groan. “Is Cherry-chan okay? Is she? Is she?” He rambled and if he wasn’t wearing a mask, Sakura swore she would have found herself staring into the largest and widest eyes

“Yes.” She grunted, her hands trying to push away the body on top of her. Tobi quickly scrambled off and gave her a hand which she gladly accepted. “Thanks.”

“Anything for Cherry-chan!” Tobi beamed. “C’on! Everyone’s waiting for you!” With that he grabbed her hand and dragged her around the base.


“Yes Cherry-chan?” He looked over at her over his shoulder as he walked in front of her.

“We’re lost aren’t we.” She sighed. Tobi paused his steps and looked around finding themselves circling around the same room over and over again. He laughed as if finding this funny.

“Yup!” Sakura felt her eye twitch in annoyance.

“How could you get lost in your own base?” She almost yelled due to her anger. “I mean, seriously-“

“What’s with all the noise?” A gruff voiced interrupted her rant. The masked man and the pink haired girl turned to find Kisame staring at them expectantly.

“Ah- Nothing Kisame-san!” Sakura smiled awkwardly, nervously scratching at the back of her neck.

“Tobi is hungry!” The orange masked man piped in, jumping up and down, breaking the awkward tension. The shark sighed.

“Let’s ask Itachi to prepare some food then.” He turned to walk away.

“I can cook!” Sakura felt her eyes widen. Did she say that? Yes, yes she did. Why? She has no idea. Kisame blinked then grinned at her, revealing those sharp teeth that resembled a sharks’. 

“Okay Pinkie.”

A/N-Sorry it's so short! Got loads of assessments so I had to revise and everything. So stressful. Anywho I think I might update the Kuroshitsuji story next. Or just a game, I'm not sure. Enjoy! Remeber to vote and comment. Angella. xxx

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