Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Click. Kisame closed the door to their room. Sakura turned around at the sound. A frown on her face. She frowned more when Kisame chuckled at her confused face.

"Don't worry Pinkie. You're safe with us." A mischievous smirk appeared on his face. "...for now"

Itachi glared at Kisame telling him to shut up and get the hell on with it.

"Fine fine." Kisame mumbled as he approached Sakura. She stepped back with every step Kisame stepped forward.

"Don't worry Pinkie. We're just putting on a chakra retrainer around your neck." Kisame said trying to make her feel 'safer'.

"Don't call me 'Pinkie'." Sakura mumbled underneath her breath. Hoping they didn't hear that, unfortunately luck wasn't on her side today.

"Eh? You hear that Itachi? Pinkie's talking back." Kisame grinned at her as he placed the retrainer around her delicate neck.

Itachi just sighed and shook his head as he grabbed a book from the large bookshelf beside his bed and laid down.

Kisame walked over to his side and started to unwrap the bandages and polish his sword. Sakura stood awkwardly not knowing what to do with herself. She looked between the two S-rank criminals. 'What have I gotten myself into?' She thought sadly, missing her remaing friends and home terribly. She looked around her temporary home. White and plain with few to no pictures, two beds, a good sized window, several shelves and one big one.

"Hey Itachi! Kisame!" A voice yelled as it banged on their door.

Kisame frowned, placing the Samehada aside carefully, he got up and opened the door. "It wasn't locked you know."

"Yeah yeah." Deidara waved it off as he barged into the room. "I heard there's a new member. Who is it?" Kisame was about to tell him but the blond cut him off. "Is it a female?"

Kisame sighed and shook his head. "You seriously need to get a girlfriend or get laid." Deidara just grinned and turned to Itachi, then his piercing blue gaze set on Sakura.

"Her?" Deidara screeched.

"Yeah me!" Sakura screamed back. Temporarily forgetting where she is and who she was talking to.

"What's she doing here?" He screamed the question at Kisame and Itachi. Before either of them could say anything or in Itachi's case, care, Sakura yelled out.

"I'm the new member you idiot!"

"But she killed Sasori-danna!" Whined Deidara. Itachi flicked over a page of his book muttering something about 'Tobi rubbing off on him'. "Forehead freak..."

A vein popped out, steam seems to escape through her ears. "What did you just call me...?" Cos it's not for you...

"Forehead freak!"

"Shemale!" Sakura fired back.

"I am not!"

"You are."

"Am not!"

"Are too!"



"Am not."

"ARE TOo-Aww shit." Deidara cursed.

Sakura pointed a finger at him and laughed. Sticking her tongue out she blew a rasberry at him. Deidara glared at her and turned for the door. Muttering something before he slam the door shut.

"At least I'm not weak and annoying like You."

A/N-Ahh...I know it's short. Sorry for that. I wanted to update early and TRY to update both stories, this and Reflections on Saturday. Well Deidara ad Sakura didn't get off to a nice start did they...

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