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I woke to the sound of Izzy and Liv pounding on my door at 8 in the morning.

“KATE! YOU SLEPT IN!” they both were yelling. Izzy barged in my room and turned up Hold On Til The Night to the maximum volume.

“OKAY IM UP!” as I got up and turned off the CD player. 

“You guys probably woke up my parents!” I said nervously, my parents were NOT morning people.

“They went to work, its Friday your home alone, our parents let us stay home today because tonight we get to meet Greyson! And we could get our outfits ready and our signs painted.” Liv said as she held up three white poster boards. I got showered and put on my Toronto Maple Leafs t-shirt and went to start decorating the posters.

“No school, with you guys and were going to meet Greyson? Could today get any better?” Izzy said as we sat down at the kitchen table for lunch I checked the time on my Iphone 4, 12:18.

“Guys we have been working on those posters for over 4 hours and glitter is all in my hair!” I said as I put my hair up in a side ponytail.

“Im going to run home and get my fabric paints and the shirts.” Liv said as she got her floral messenger bag and headed towards the front door. A few hours later the signs were finished and the shirts were dried and my mother came home.

“Kate the posters look good! And so do the shirts, are you girls ready to go to th…”

We didn’t even let my mother finish, we grabbed our posters and went running to the car. On the way to the concert we put on the VIP passes, got out the tickets and started singing Greysons songs the whole way there. 

“Okay girls, smile.” My mother said as we got out of the car. Liv, Izzy and I posed for a picture. We all had our shirts on, Izzy had a neon pink shirt on, decorated in neon fabric paint with the words ‘I <3 Grey’ and on the back she had Paparazzi lyrics. Liv was wearing a black Hold On Til The Night shirt which she ordered from Greysons website. I was wearing a white t-shirt with the words ‘Marry Me Greyson’ on the front and on the back I had ‘#VerifiedEnchancer<3’ diagonally. 

“Let me read those signs girls.” My mother said Izzys sign read ‘I will never Unfriend You’ confusing, yet when you think of it, pretty smart. Livs sign read ‘I <3 GMC’. Mine read ‘Marry Me Grey(:’ 

“Okay now you girls call Izzys mom when you get finished okay?” my mother said as she walked back to the car.

We went into the arena and we followed the signs that read VIP. 

“Do you have VIP passes ladies?” A big man in black said to us as we saw the final VIP sign. We showed him our passes and he opened the door into a room. In the room was a mirror and a couch. The room wasn’t very appealing, 

“Ladies, Greyson will be out in a moment, just hang on until Greyson comes.” The man said as he closed the door.

“This is actually happening!” Izzy said as she got out her camera and we all posed for a picture. A few minutes later there were talking outside the door and the door handle jiggled and turned. Everyone held their breath.

Take a Chance {A Greyson Chance Fan Fiction}Where stories live. Discover now