Lost and Taken

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You had been wandering aimlessly for a solid couple of hours and your feet were getting sore. Not considering your unfortunate position, you went into the nearest place that radiated heat, which just so happened to be Ursula's Fish and Chips. You realised once it was way too late that you were in deep waters (rereading this I notice I made way too many unintentional puns, it's become a game as to who can spot them). You sat in the corner, ordering a drink and portion of chips when a waitress with blue-green hair in braids came by. You tipped her generously when she brought the food, forgetting that it wasn't normal behaviour on the Isle. She gave you a weird look but made her way back behind the counter and, when you followed her with your eyes, you saw your current worst nightmare - Harry Hook. He was by the television that was now playing something about Mal and Ben. The waitress threw food at the screen, turning back around and hinting that the others should do the same. They complied, wasting perfectly good food. You stayed quiet, keeping a low profile in your nook of the room.

Soon enough, an uproar was created by the girl whom you assumed was the daughter of Ursula, the owner of the restaurant. She had started yelling at people to remind her of her name, which was rather unnecessary considering they clearly knew and she couldn't be stupid enough to forget it herself. You came to the conclusion that she was deluded and shallow. Then, a dance number began, causing you to be rather alarmed. You moved yourself as far to the corner as possible, focusing your attention on your food. When you heard a rap in a familiar, husky, accented voice, you tried to hide your face as well as possible, pulling up your collar and using your hair to cover the remainder of your face that wasn't hidden by the sunglasses. You considered using your magic but if someone saw, you were fucked. They continuously danced around you as you retreated so far back, you feared you would fuse with the wall.

After a little while longer of the song, everyone finally finished their movement and went back to what they were doing. You ignored the new conversation, only hearing the end.

"They're gonna forget that girl and remember the name-" the girl, who you now knew was Uma after having the information engraved in your brain by constant screaming of it, was cut off by one of the dancers.

"SHRIMPY!!" He bellowed. It obviously wasn't the correct thing to say because Harry was gestured to remove him. You chuckled a bit, before edging your way to the door. Avoiding Harry, you sped outside and began your aimless wandering again.

While walking, you noticed a flash of blue hair and a leather skirt. Having seen the owner of both of these features multiple times, you recognised them as Evie's. Dashing to hide, you didn't see the boy behind you until you stepped backward and onto his foot. The boy you identified straight away as the most inconvenient person to see right now, or Harry for short, grabbed your wrist and put a hand over your mouth to mute the shriek about to escape your lips. You were reaching to get your pixie dust but Harry snatched it away. You were now at his mercy. He dragged you through alley after alley and, despite your biting and clawing, he never let go of you once.

Soon, you emerged at a dock. In its harbour was a ship, a pirate ship to be completely specific.

"Now dearie," Harry began "You're going to get tied up. You're not going to even attempt escape because you don't have your source of power and, without it, let's face it darlin', you're pretty damn useless."

You couldn't reply, the hand on your mouth not allowing your spiteful words to be heard. Laughing heartily at your infuriated expression, Harry lead you onto the ship, tying you to one of the masts with an old piece of rope.

"Don't worry about being lonely, sweetheart, I'm here. And, soon enough, the oh so wonderful King'll be joining you in captivity. You're gonna be hostages, doesn't that sound like fun?" Harry said in a purely sarcastic, amused tone.

"Of course, I'd be ever so comfortable if you'd possibly not crush my diaphragm with these ties. Your father is a scoundrel and, so it seems are you. You really do take after him, darlin'." You spoke, emphasising the mocking of his nicknames.

"I'd watch my mouth if I were you~~" He said in a sing-song like voice before grinning wickedly. "I'm gonna have some fun with you. Uma promised I could hook both you and Ben but your face is far too pretty to ruin. I could possible slice your body and leave your head, show you as a trophy once you're dead..."

You gulped. To escape, you'd need hope, trust and a little pixie dust, none of which you currently had. Praying for a saviour, you closed your eyes.

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