Great Escape (Or Not)

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You'd been captured. It sucked. For the past hour you had been trying to cut through the rope with your nails but that attempt was fruitless and would take eons to succeed. All you could hope is that either the pirates had a change of heart (unlikely) or Evie and whoever she has brought can find you and, if Harry comment about Ben was true, the King too.

Harry truly was the bane of your existence. He constantly teased you, tickling you and blowing pixie dust at his surrounding pirate crew just to irritate you. If he didn't act so aware of his actions, you would have thought that he was insane. Maybe he was just a little crazy but he seemed to be acting that way to fuck with you.

"Darlin', your gonna be getting some company right about now, you'd better behave." He told you, poking your ribs, causing you to squirm. He giggled like a madman, moving his fingers to your neck, then continuing prodding at your skin. Your uncomfortable facial expression made him cackle in extreme amusement, leaving you slightly scared as to what he would dare to do as your time in captivity progressed.

Before he could carry on with his 'torture', a few pirates arrived, holding Ben in their grasp. His outfit looked very different to his typical style and, might I say, he looks good in leather. He was bound to the mast behind you, facing the helm of the ship whilst you faced the deck.

"Don't harm the King, though you can have some fun with Tink here." Uma announced to the crew. Many of them smirked up at you and you, being the logical girl you were, we're petrified. You couldn't lie to yourself. Sure, you could fight, but not against an entire pirate crew whilst tied up. You couldn't stand not being in control in these situations, being helpless was the worst feeling you had ever felt. It was mortifying that you were at the mercy of all these people.

A hand on your shoulder dragged you out of your thoughts. You flinched, terrified of your fate. Trying to hide this, you scowled at the person whom the hand belonged to. It was Harry. Right now, he was the only person on this ship other than the King that you didn't think would do anything serious. He grinned at you before taking a knife to the binding ropes. You then considered taking back your previous statement before it was too late. When you were freed, instantly, he grabbed you by the shoulders. He was leading you to the captain's quarters. Strange.

As you were brought there, you didn't dare speak a word. It was worrying you that he was also staying quiet. When you were dragged in, he immediately closed the door.

"Don't question anything about what just happened and why you are here. Just know that if you'd stayed out there, something not ideal would have happened." He muttered in a hushed voice.

"Thanks, I guess..." You whispered back.

After that, not even bothering to reply, he exited the room, locking the door. You were now immersed in darkness yet you felt safer. Now that your arms are free, you could reach for your spell book. You could only do a few spells without your supply of pixie dust but one of them certainly was a useful one. Teleportation. It relied on the power of thoughts, you had to imagine where you wanted to go and think of now other thing all throughout the spell.

You began the hand gestures, creating shapes with you hands, all the while thinking of the clearing you had landed in when you first got to the Isle. At the last minute, though, you though of the amount of trouble Harry would get in if you escaped and, unfortunately for you, you were transported right in front of said pirate.

"Hi," You said awkwardly, stashing the book in your pocket "Fancy seeing you here, huh."

He sighed angrily, looking around to see if anyone saw. Confirming that no one did, he took you back to the room. Grabbing you by the chin, he lifted your head up so it was right in front of his.

"Try to escape one more time, you're going back to the mast. Give me the book."

You reluctantly took it out of your jacket, placing it in his hand. You didn't wish to anger him further than he already was. That would be a bad idea. He dropped your face from his grasp and stormed back out.

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