Bonding Exercise

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The fluff is on its way. I apologise for people who are waiting. And, to address the end of this chapter, all I can say is that Emily joked about it and all I can imagine is Jordan, the daughter of the Genie, shipping everyone together. She is basically Kawaii~Chan, and if anyone gets that I will love you forever. Enjoyyyyyy~~~~

So, today was Saturday.

Earlier on in the week, Evie had asked you if you could go shopping today and, remembering your arrangements with Philip, you explained that you could only do so until 6 and then why. She began fangirling and so you got to this situation, being dragged in and out of shops with Dizzy, Amélie and Evie. Mal, the lucky sod, had escaped this fate by going on a lunch date with Ben. The daughter of the Evil Queen forced you into too many dresses to count, all of which didn't suit you one bit. They either hung weird, clung to you in the wrong places or were generally too revealing.

In the end, Amélie suggested you all played a game. Each of you would go out and choose something. You would choose a top, Amélie would choose some bottoms, Evie would choose the shoes, Dizzy would pick out an accessory and you would work together for makeup. It seemed to be an idea that would put you in a terrible outfit but you went through with it, thinking of it as a team bonding exercise. You trusted them all enough to not go too overboard. The rules were that you had an hour before you would meet up again.

You wandered off to all different places, looking in loads of different shops. You came across Haiti at one point. Preventing her from stealing a beautiful necklace, you dragged her along to help. Really, she just wandered off attempting to steal several things and fighting back against security when they spotted her. You constantly had to get her out of trouble. Soon enough, you found a shirt. It was dark green with a belt and pleats at the front. You hope the others were inkeeping with the colour and style you'd picked. Though, knowing Evie, she'd picked out heels you could barely walk in. Dizzy seemed to be a stylish, if extravagant, girl so you kind of trusted her. Amélie certainly was reserved so you predicted something neutral and modest.

Haiti interrupted your thoughts again by grabbing your hand. You noticed the handbag in her hand and, knowing she had stolen it, prepared yourself for some hardcore running. As expected, she sprinted off with you in tow. She was like a goddamn Olympic runner. You could hardly keep up. Soon enough, you had to let go of her hand, catching your breath as the blue and gold blur ran further until she was out of the shopping centre. The image of her black, tousled locks was fresh in your memory as you made your way to the food court, the meeting place. You were starving and craving a frappé after running that much. Seeing Dizzy wave frantically, you deduced that they were waiting there. You made your way over, dropped your bag on your chair and went over to (favourite fast food place) to grab food.

As always, waiting in the queue made you think. You didn't know why but the shower and lines were the only places in which you had really deep thoughts. You began considering whether you actually wanted to hang out with Philip that evening. Sure, he was a nice guy, but you weren't sure you liked him. You still didn't know how you felt about Harry either. Maybe you could just figure it out. Or maybe you didn't like any of them. That idea seemed appealing. That meant less drama.

Suddenly, you were literally shook from your thoughts by the person behind you in line.

"Next please!" The cashier yelled. Obviously, she was getting bored of waiting and you had been holding up the line. With a muttered apology, you ordered.

Making your way back over to your friends you began to wish that your hormones were the things messing up your feelings.

Although, this was clearly not the case to Jordan, who had used her genie magic to read the situation. She sat in her room staring at her shipping wall. Before her, on her desk, laid a silhouette of a fairy, your symbol, between four others- the image of a feather in a hat, a picture of a hook, a photo of an adorable puppy and a depiction of a fireplace. She couldn't decide what her ship was but she wouldn't give up until you had settled down with one of the four she had chosen.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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