The Great Fairy Rescue

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Well, they were here. You weren't about to say you were disappointed, just a little sad that you would be leaving the Isle. It was sort of fun here, in a weird way. Breaking rules was normal and many of the people here were attractive, case and point Harry.

Wait, no. You did not just think that. Repress it? Yup!

Anyway, despite how happy half of you was to go back home, the other half was longing to stay. Maybe because you were dead when you got home. Not only would you have to pull a camping story out of nowhere to satisfy your parents, you and Mal would probably have to explain to whoever knew of the situation.

Suddenly, you noticed, during the rap battle of sorts between Mal and Uma Harry had begun making his way over. You giggled, knowing he was gonna have a mini try at insulting the VKs and Lonnie.

"All it takes is one swing and I'll humiliate them. Matter of fact, make one wrong move and I'll debilitate them. And if they even start to slip, I'll eliminate them. All it takes is one wrong look and I'll-" Harry says before getting cut off by the duchess of idiocy, Shrimpy.

"Awwwww, it was just getting good!" You yelled, hoping to lighten the mood. You got a few glares, especially from Mal and Uma, and a couple of laughs, mainly from your friends, Ben and Harry. A few pirates even smiled a little. Gil burst into uncontrollable laughter and you gave him a grin. He really was a sweet, harmless guy.

You smirked at Harry as he returned. "Cute accent, Hook."

This time you actually saw his flustered face, it was goddamn adorable.

"Cute face, Sparrowman."

This time it was your turn to blush wildly. He gave a triumphant, evil look, turning his attention back to the exchange. Soon enough, he was told to bring you and Ben to the large congregation that were engaged in a massive argument. He followed the order, muttering that he "never got to have any fun", you begrudgingly followed him, already tired of this. Mal was asked to prove that the wand that she'd apparently been told to trade for us was real. She managed to by making Dude talk. Afterwards, Harry was ordered to slice through both yours and the King's ties. Then, you were pushed towards your companions, not before slipping your pixie dust and spellbook into your hand. You looked at him and gave him a smile of gratitude.

"(Y/N), take Ben and run, now!" Mal screamed to you.

Deducing the situation quickly, just as Uma pointed the wand in the air, you sprinkled pixie dust and transported you and Ben to the harbour rather than the decking you were on. Just as you arrived, the battle you had assumed would be raged had begun. Metal clashing was the only sound that could be heard along with the occasional curse of losers.

You felt a tap on your shoulder and, turning your head, you saw the pirate boy with his sword up and in a offensive position, ready to strike. You formed one of your own out of the pixie dust and began a duel with Harry. The moves quickened as you blocked, dodged and swung. You were both getting rather tired and so you decided to finish it quickly. With a pinch of dust, you were telephoned behind the poor boy, giving you the ample opportunity to get him in aa headlock. When you had him where you wanted him, you pushed him down to the ground and pressed your foot on his wrist, slowly inching further upwards to his hand until he finally let go of the blade and you grabbed it, placing it in the belt that materialised around your waist. With a final smirk at the pirate, in the heat of the moment, you pressed your lips to his before sauntering off, leaving him there, confused and starstruck.

'What the hell did I just do?' You thought, terrified of the consequences of your sudden action. 'Shit, shit, shit...'

That's when you noticed all of your friends were by a tunnel. You sprinted towards them, Mal closely following you. When you'd both made it over, she collapsed the bridge to get to where you were and the group moved down the tunnel, towards where you assumed your ride back to Auradon was waiting. And you would be correct. Jay, Carlos and Ben strode over to a covered car which was revealed to be a limousine. All the while, your imagination was running wild. Why did you kiss him? Did you like him? Did he like you? Was all the flirting beforehand joking, or not?

After a while, you shook them off. Your feet had guided you to the limo, seemingly, when you had phased out. It looked as if no one saw your daydreaming so you begun to listen to the conversation and add your own input, almost forgetting your inner dilemma.

Little did you know, in the disarray of your fight, you'd dropped your precious magical items. Ultimately, this would lead to devastation if they fell into the wrong hands. And, like all classic stories, this was inevitable.

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