(Kouha x reader) Love is an illusion 3

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Chapter 3: Fights for rights

As you walked across the street with a basket in one hand and a list on other you walked through various stores.

"Hello beautiful lady! Why not try these beautiful jewellery we restocked?" Called a shopkeeper.

"Not interested."

"Try those ripe fruits, there're good for your skin!" Called a woman waving a bright fruit in for the of her nose.

"No thank you."

Several others tried to get your attention, yet you ignored them and carried on shopping for the ingredients. Little do you know, a pair of eyes was following you the whole time.

As you looked for your last ingredient, you heard a voice, the words caught your attention.

"Get your slaves here cheap!"

You walked to where the slaves where sold.

Clink. Clink. Clink.

Slaves, big to small, young to old walked onto the platform. It makes no difference, with chains on their feet;

They're all just slaves.

With pain in your heart, you stared silently with a small crowd of nobles slowly gathering in. The slave seller, beamed at the crowd before gesturing at the beaten, dirty slaves.

"Sold cheap today! By three slaves get one free-"

A cry broke out from the platform as a child, dresses in rags with tears in her eyes.

You stood there, frozen full with pity and despair at the small figure shaking, that poor child.

"Shut up you stupid child!" Roared the man getting out the whip as he turned to the crowd, "I shall demonstrate how to tame these worthless creatures."

That's when you could not stand still anymore.

With one easy leap, you were on the platform giving the man a good hard kick on the face. You were not done yet as you picked up his whip lying on the ground.

"Allow me to tame you first," you snarled holding the whip high, "how dare you call these poor people such things as 'creatures', they are humans, so are you."

The slave seller on the floor, bloody nosed, stared at her smirking.

"Looking at the way your dressed, you're just a lowly maid of someone else, you have no authority to punish a trader like me," he laughed.

"You want to try me!?" You asked staring at him coldly, tightening your grip around the whip.

Now, the slave trader looked afraid, knowing you're serious.

Just as you're about to crack that whip into the mans skull, a rather high-pitched voice interrupted.

Authors note: Well... Lychee has to make her readers suspicious!! XD
Just wait for the next update~


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