Heelie away from those Feelies

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//Sorry guys, this chapter is probably gonna be a bit shorter, and of lower quality cause I'm using my phone. QwQ grammarly pls come bless those with mobile devices...

Fresh closed his eyes, wondering how he had gotten beaten into submission so easily. Error was just so hateful towards him; it seemed impossible. Without Geno to push him away, and their mom being away most of the time. Error could do what ever he wanted-- he was the judge and the mercenary, and Fresh had a death sentence.
Fresh kicked with all his strength, struggling futilely against the blue strings Error was using to keep him in place. Since when has he gotten so handy with his strings? Fresh was surprised that his shades hadn't fallen off yet with all the rough treatment he was going through. A sharp blow interrupted Fresh's train of thought, his shades falling off easily. What a coincidence! Fresh sucked in a breath, his soul pounding, in his eye socket for whatever strange reason, as Error stomped on his shades and crushed them to bits. After that without another response other than a hateful glance, Error left Fresh. A couple of moments after Error left the room, Fresh fell to the ground, the blue strings dissolving as if they were magic.



Fresh listened as he heard the front door open and close, sighing as he enjoyed the warm air from his bedroom window.
"Fresh? Is everything alright? Error looks upset." CQ yelled up the stairs. Fresh sighed, heavier this time, and swung his legs through the window; heelies popped and ready to go. He would only be gone an hour.




It had been way longer than an hour, but Decans' house was a lot cozier than Fresh's right now. Things were cool between them now. They had both forgotten about the hospital event. So they talked, and Decans read books for almost three hours before the pair heard the doorbell.
"That, broski, is my cue. See ya Deccy Dec." Fresh whispered, climbing back out the window.
"I hope things get better for you!" Decans whisper-yelled to Fresh. Fresh smiled waving, and turned around, only to catch the attention of a wide-eyed Error. Error left the car and ran over to the front door. Fresh skated as fast as he dared-- faster than he had ever skated at any time ever. He could practically hear Error tattling on him, but it wasn't going to work this time. No, Fresh was going to win the game this time. Fresh kicked off his secret heelies into the bushes and scurried up the side of the house. He managed to get himself inside the room before CQ and Error rounded the corner. As soon as he entered the house-- no, as soon as he entered this room, in particular, he felt his body protest and give up on him.
Fresh threw up his pancakes and eggs, and a bit of a grilled cheese sandwich. The memories of so many terrible things that had happened here and the idea of so many terrible things that could happen here were overwhelming. The door opened, and Fresh looked up for the first time in a while and saw what he didn't need to see. Error, right there, in all his glitchy glory, staring at him, defenseless little Fresh. So Fresh did what any reasonable person would do. He screamed, loud enough for anyone and everyone to hear. His screaming didn't have any words, just wordless terror. A loud piercing noise designed to send people to his aid. Error approached, trying to calm Fresh but only serving to scare him more.
CQ hugs Fresh, silent as she did so. Fresh's screaming quieted to soft little gasps as he let his mother embrace him. The pain and fear quickly receded like low tide at a dock. He felt his soul gradually stop its incessant pounding, and slow to a low hum.
When CQ pulled away Fresh felt a pang of something like pain, at not just her expression but even the way she was carrying herself.

"...Ma...? Why are you looking at me like that?" CQ's eyes opened, and she wondered if he could see, just like that. Fresh ignored her awed and instead picked up his shades from the ground and pressed them (in)to his face. Error broke out in a fit of hysterical giggles, and CQ couldn't help but snicker herself. She gently pulled the shades from Fresh's eye sockets, carefully maneuvering around the fragile white pupils.

When Fresh's skull was once again glasses-free, he rubbed his eye sockets, trying to get used to the gentle flow of information. His room hadn't changed at all, which is surprising since he hadn't cleaned it in months. Continuing to look around, Fresh stopped when he noticed CQ and Error staring at him. His shoulders tensed, and he absentmindedly wondered if he had missed the start to a staring game. CQ and Error noticed that he was staring at them staring, and CQ laughed, while Error did something of an uninterested chuckle.

"Alright you th--. Two. Let's go to the park. Grab your things, we'll be leaving in half an hour." Fresh tried to control his squeal, masking it with a badly timed sneeze/cough. Error looked at Fresh in the usual confused way, except without the hate. That's a start.

I mean, what could go wrong at the park? Maybe they'd see Sugar.

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