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Thomas P.O.V

Thomas woke up with a start. The early rays of sunlight were gleaming on his face through the window, conveying that it was dawn. He looked around. Everyone were still fast asleep. He got up and made his way over to where the exit to this place was. He stood staring outside. He could barely think. His thoughts were clouded with thoughts about Brenda. God, he really missed her...Her funny behavior was something that Thomas had admired from the beginning . To think that his world was deprived of that.....His heart clenched, as he remembers Brenda smiling and asking him to be safe.
"Hey, what are you doing up so early?", a familiar voice questioned from his backside. It was Teresa's.
He replied, "Just thinking" , without turning back. She strolled over  next to him. Thomas looked at her. Her hair was pulled back into a pony tail with a strand out on both sides of her face. The way she didn't make an effort to push it away made her look even more beautiful.

Stop admiring, he mentally scolded himself. It was Teresa's voice that brought him back to his senses, " Look, Thomas...I....I'm sorry about Brenda...I really am."

Ah...Brenda, Thomas thought. When he didn't reply, Teresa continued, " I know how difficult this is for you. I just want you to know that I'll be there for you. We've seen the worst, Tom. Things will get better from now"

Thomas liked the way she used we. He nodded, looking at her.

"Well, say something", Teresa said.

He replied, " I'd be lying if i said i didn't miss her..Because I do, a lot.It's just...I feel like I let her down. I should have been the one that died, not her. People keep getting hurt because of me and I am tired of  not able to save them. I should've been the one. I let her down...". He broke away, sobbing and remembering how he and Brenda made their way through the scorch. He could sense Teresa staring at his now-tears-filled eyes. He half wanted her to say something...anything at all to make him feel better.
Instead she said, "Yes, you let her down"

Thomas glared at her. How can she be so insensitive, he scowled in his mind, What did you expect- a tight hug, some words of consolation?? She's the one who betrayed you in the scorch.

Teresa spoke breaking his chain of thoughts, "But you have to know it is not your fsult.. We were at war and wars have casualties. Even though she's dead, she will always be with you Thomas, in spirit, always wanting you to be happy" and looked at him.
When he still looked unconvinced, she spoke again, "If things were different.....If it were you that had died while trying to save Brenda...and she was sitting here blaming herself..Would you want her to do that? You would have wanted her to forget about this and live her life, wouldn't you? If you were dead in her place, you would forgive her, won't you?".

When Thomas still doesn't speak, she continues, "You know you would have. So forgive yourself please. What everyone wants is for you to finally be peaceful and happy. It's what they've always wanted and what they still do- Minho, Jorge, Frypan,," Her voice crackles as if she said something that she wasn't supposed to.

He looks at her, shocked by all the stuff that Teresa just said to make him feel better. For a second it was like they were just two teenagers who have not gone through any of the things that they have actually gone through. Their eyes met and they held the gaze for a minute.

Teresa looks down at her shoes, breaking the gaze.

"I gotta go, Tom. See u later though", she said and walked out the building with Thomas's bye still waiting on his lips.


Hey readers. It would really be nice if you leave comments and let me know if u like the story or not. This is my first ever fan fiction so, please...I need to have some reviews...

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