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Teresa POV

Teresa took one last glance at Thomas and whispered, "Run" and started to run in the other direction, away from Thomas. The cranks had started to follow her.

Of course, they'd follow me. Must remember the food they got last time we met, she thought.

She had already plotted a plan as to how to escape from the cranks. Now that the cranks were behind her, all she had to do was pass through the lane which helped her escape before. What happened before will happen again, no doubt. And she'd escape, too. "It's not too bad of a plan", she muttered to herself as she sprinted faster, panting for breath.

She ran into the lane, the cranks at her heels. She jumped over the metal rod and kept running till she heard that sound again, CLANG, and it brought a smirk to her face. She turned around. She saw four cranks, knocked out and howling.

"Not that smart. Are you?", she spoke out loud. She was so elated that she had escaped and saved Tom at the same time. She watched them run away and laughed out loud. She stopped cold in her tracks, suddenly.

"Four of them", she muttered to herself. There were 5 of them. Where did one of them with the rusty thingy in his hand go? Did he, somehow, trick her? Or Worse, was he still with Thomas? Shucks, Tom could've handled him, right?, she thought, panicking.

"Hic, Hic, Hic", she heard a sound from behind her, which made her shiver.

"Of course, you outsmarted me", she said and turned around, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she tried to plot some way to escape.

It was him. The one with the knife. She was just about to run towards the rod again, when the crank cornered her.

Shit, there goes my escape plan, she thought. She moved backwards until she tripped over a stone and stumbled onto the wall behind her. The crank closed in on her. He pinned her to the wall. His arm was across her chest, forcefully, keeping her from escaping or moving, for that matter.

Teresa closed her eyes and turned away, disgusted. She could sense his breath on her, as he whispered, "Hello, DeeDee."

Her eyes popped open wide. She stared at him, dumbstruck. Before she could react, he brought the knife down to her cheek. She sensed a searing pain as the knife cut through her skin. She bit her tongue, so she wouldn't scream.

Suddenly, the crank drew back, dropping his knife. He fell to the ground. With hands covering his mouth, he screamed in agony, "Oh no! I'm hurting you DeeDee. Get away from me", just as his hands reached back for the knife. Teresa decided to make a run for it but before she could, he had gotten up and slashed the knife at her. The knife scraped her T-Shirt at the arm and blood started oozing out. Teresa groaned and slumped her head back. She looked the crank in the eye and saw the emotions in it change from rage to sadness, as tears started to fill them.

"I can't hurt you, DeeDee. But I want to.....I can't", he said his voice, shaking and then a little firm, he said, "I won't. Go away. Run. Go away. Don't look back."

Teresa stared, her expression blank. Then she started to run. She ran like never before. Her eyes stayed focused on the road back to the warehouse, even though her mind raced to several places, all at once.

DeeDee........How did he...? Is he the guy that.....? Is that why he seemed so similar..?
There were a million questions that she wanted answers for. But, for now, she just kept running, towards safety.


Chapter 5 done....I'm sorry about the shitty end, you guys. The crank is someone from Teresa's past life before WICKED. I'm sure you guys will understand the last paragraph after reading the later chapters when U learn a lot more about Teresa's Backstory...
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