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"TERESA NO." Thomas shouted and that was the last she heard before the flat trans was closed up. And Teresa sank to the floor, crying miserably. She knew this was inevitable. She knew this was coming from the moment she had woken up in the morning with her head on Thomas' chest, having dozed off for somewhile in between.

She took one look at his face. Though he seemed peaceful, a frown marred his forehead. She smoothed her hand over the crease wanting it to go away. The action made him frown further as he pouted in his sleep, feeling disturbed. Teresa couldn't stop herself from smiling at this as she repeated her action causing Thomas to whine lowly in his throat. He pushed her hand away and said, "Teresa....stop..I'm trying to sleep."

"Wake up, Tom..." She whispered.

"Few more minutes...please.." He groaned before falling asleep and she let him.

She didn't know how much time had passed before Minho started waking up everyone. That's right, they had plans to go during early morning. That way they could hide, in case cranks came after them which would be difficult if they went out when the afternoon sun was shining bright.

She carefully sat up, removing Thomas's arm from around her. And then she resorted to waking him up for the second time that morning.

"Thomas, wake up." She whispered. She shook him gently. "Wake up. We need to go."

Thomas groaned, squinting his eyes as he opened them.

"Hey." He said, stretching his arms out.

"Hey." She smiled at him.

"Now that's a sight to wake up to." He grinned at her as she blushed at his statement.

He sat up and looked at her, just smiling. They held the gaze and Teresa couldn't resist leaning in and pressing her lips to his. She couldn't do this after few hours, might as well do it as much as she wants to.

His fingers came up to rest against her cheek as he kissed her back.

Within an hour, everyone were ready for the journey. Teresa washed her face and she used the toothpaste they had found during one of their scavenges to brush her teeth and she watched as everyone did the same. There was an excitement on all of their excitement that they were going to get out of this manmade hell excitement that Teresa so desperately tried to have on her own face, so that Thomas or Sonya wouldn't doubt.

They left the warehouse after they did a head count and everyone had a gun in their hands. Minho, Sonya and Gally were at the head of the group to lead people to the supermarket that Teresa and Sonya had found the flat trans in while Teresa and Thomas and a few others travelled at the back of the pack. Despite their excitement, everyone was cautious in their steps. It was clear everyone wanted to make it to the safe haven, preferably un-bitten.

Teresa kept going over her plan in her mind and she was aware of Thomas gazing at her. She looked back at him as he took a step closer to her and held her hand. She smiled at the lovely gesture and for a millisecond, just for a millisecond, Thomas brought their joint hands to his mouth and pressed the sweetest of kisses to the back of her hand. Teresa's mouth parted at the action as Thomas smiled, generously before dropping her hand and looking around for safety precautions.

The morning was dead silent, not a sound except for the little noise that was heard as their shoes scraped against the ground as they walked. They managed to reach the store without running into any crank, much to their surprise.

It felt like all of it happened in a span of few minutes when it was definitely longer that that.

Minho gave whispered instructions on how to survive in whatever place they were going to end up in and she wanted to see Sonya one last time before parting so she marched forward and touched Sonya's arm, "Hey."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2018 ⏰

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