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Thomas hadn't moved in over an hour. He felt as if he himself was going to fall asleep, if he sat still. Just then, he saw Teresa stir.

Teresa's eyelids fluttered open, revealing her beautiful blue eyes. She looked around confused and then her eyes fell on Thomas. She sat up, abruptly, her eyes blown wide.

Thomas noticed that she looked even more confused than before. He also noticed fear. He stood up, immediately.

"Hey, it's just me. Sorry if I scared you", Thomas said, his voice not loud.

Teresa shifted around a bit on the couch. She didn't say anything. Just looked at him, her eyes burning a hole into him.

Thomas figured he had to begin. He took a deep breath and started, "Can we talk?"

Teresa looked at him, expecting. She nodded her head, slowly.

"I didn't have a chance to ask you earlier. Are you okay?", Thomas asked her, hoping he didn't let on the guilt he felt, on his face.

Teresa raised her eyebrows.

"What do you care?", she asked. She hadn't meant to say that to him. She was just pissed off. He didn't have a chance to ask her? Of course he did. He just chose not to.

She knew her words hit him as she saw deep regret and anguish spread over his face.

He looked down, embarrassed
. He knew he deserved it for all that he put Teresa through. He was maybe just hoping that she wouldn't.

He said, his eyes still trained on his shoes, "I do care....about you."

Teresa scoffed. Thomas continued, "I'm sorry for not asking that before. I know it hurt you."

Teresa's lips drew into a thin line and she asked, "Is that all you think that hurt me?"

A voice echoed in her brain, asking her to stop. Thomas was apologising and this was a start. Things could be better moving forward. But suddenly, it just didn't matter anymore. It felt as though Thomas forgiving her was the last thing she cared about in the world.

Thomas felt like crap. All of Teresa's questions hit him like arrows laced with poison, slowly draining the life out of him.

"Look Teresa.... we've been through a lot and I know we have a lot to talk about. But for now, the only thing that matters to me is that you're alive. You're alive....and you saved me. You put my life above your own. You didn't have to do that...I owe you. I know I hurt you....and I'm sorry for that. I truly am. Things going back to the same between us isn't possible. You know that as well.", Thomas said, looking up at her, surprised she hadn't cut him and that she was actually listening to him.

He knew he had to finish what he was saying before Teresa changed her mind, so he continued, "But they can be better. We can sort through this mess and try to reach where we were before all things went haywire. I'm sorry for a lot of things....things that I'm not exactly proud of doing...things that hurt you. Like I said, we need to talk about all of get a clear picture of what happened as a whole. I know I wasn't listening to your side of the story before and I hate myself for that. But I'm listening now..You have all the right to be angry at me. to me again."

Teresa looked down, her eyes starting to water. She wanted more than anything for things to go back to normal between them. But somehow, it felt like Thomas broke something in her that prevented her from accepting it.

Thomas's voice shook when he spoke again, "I don't want to lose you, Teresa.... definitely not because of some stupid mistake I made. Please..please don't be mad at me forever."

He knew what Teresa was doing. She was contemplating whether or not to snap at Thomas. This was what she always did when she was angry. And in anger, she makes decisions that she regrets later on. He knew trying to convince her, now, that he was truly sorry was going to tough.

"I'm willing to get us through this....if you want. I know I want to. So, please come and find me later on, when you're calm, please?", Thomas pleaded.

Teresa knew as well, that any decision that she would make now, would be in a rash and could prove to be harmful, later on. So she muttered out, "Okay."

Thomas heaved out a sigh in relief. He was so scared that she was not going to accept to talking to him and that she was gonna send him away.

"Thank you, Teresa. That's all I ask.", Thomas said, his own voice a whisper.

He stood up, "You should get some more rest. You only slept an hour after you were given the sedative."

Teresa nodded and laid down on the couch again.

"Do you need anything?", Thomas found himself asking.

"I'm good, Tom", Teresa said, before turning her back to him.

Thomas walked out the room with a warm feeling in his stomach.

She called him Tom. That's when Thomas realised that Teresa could never be mad at him forever.

And somehow, he felt better knowing that maybe, just maybe, there was a chance that he and Teresa could be back to what they were.


AND THAT IS CHAPTER 8, PEOPLE...I'm sorry I didn't make Thomas and Teresa make up immediately....because I don't think Teresa would have reacted any different.

Sure she wants him to desperately forgive her..But I guess, over a certain period of time, you stop wanting that...U reach a point where you grow into a person where you don't care if the other person accepts your apology..The only thing that matters is that you apologised, truly...

You grow into yourself and into an independent person and the other person's forgiveness can go to hell, for all you care.
Teresa must have reached that point after, I don't know, 1 and a half book (Death cure and a part of Scorch trials).

No one should be judged by a mistake for their entire life. People grow and they change...🙂🙂

So what do you guys think ? Should it have gone any different ? Let me know... I'd love to hear other's opinions...

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