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Teresa was still looking at the wall, when she heard footsteps, coming towards her. She blinked back the tears and turned to see who it was. She stared, dumbfounded when she saw that it was Thomas who came up to her.

"Hey....", Thomas greeted, a little nervous about talking with her, alone.

"Hey..", Teresa said back, her voice a little croaky from all the silent sobbing.

"Can I sit here?", Thomas asked, rubbing his thumb across the bridge of his nose and gestured to the space next to her.

"Yeah....Sure.", Teresa cleared the spot next to her, taking the CD cover in her hands. Thomas settled next to her, comfortably, their shoulders almost touching. They stayed silent, both of them not knowing what to say.

"That...uh....That, the game?", Thomas finally, broke the silence and pointed at the cover in her hands.

"Yeah.", Teresa nodded, waving the cover.

"Can I...see it?"

Teresa handed it to him without further adue. Thomas looked at it, hands exploring the cover, trying to jog his memory, while Teresa just observed the various expressions that came across his face - Curiousness. Confusion. And finally, disappointment.

"What's wrong?", She asked, looking at his now frowning face.

"I...I don't remember it.", Thomas admitted.

"Well, you don't have your memories, Thomas...", She said, feebly.

"I know. I wish I had them, though.."

"I know.", Teresa gave him a small smile. They sat quiet, again.

"So.... we're finally getting out of here, huh?", Thomas said, cheerfully.

Teresa was tempted to say, You are. Me, though, I'm not going anywhere.

When she didn't reply, Thomas realised that she didn't want to talk about it. So, instead he decided to talk about them.

"Teresa, I wanted to talk to you...about before....about our conversation from earlier...", Thomas trailed off. Teresa squinted, not knowing what he was talking about.

Thomas raised his eyebrows, "Ummm...When you woke up after the crank attack...after you saved my life."

Teresa's eyes widened when she realized what Thomas was talking about. She really thought she had just dreamed that Thomas had apologised to her.

"Do you not remember?", Thomas asked, cautiously.

Teresa stared at him, mouth open wide, "No, No...I do..I remember. I just thought that it was a..dream or something..."

Thomas nodded, slightly, "Well, it wasn't a dream. I do really want things to be okay between us, Teresa."

Teresa felt terrible. Thomas actually wanted to give them another shot at being friends at least and they can't even begin repairing their relation, whatever they were, because of her predicament.

"I am sorry, Teresa...", Thomas said, worried that she didn't believe his words from before. Teresa did believe, though, but she also didn't want to raise Thomas's hopes when, in the end, she was not going to be in his life at all.

"I know you are...", She sighed. "Maybe we can talk when all of over? After...we...reach safe haven?"

Thomas licked his lips, "Why not now?". He didn't want to pressurise Teresa into forgiving him, but he didn't understand why she wanted to delay their talk. Little did he actually know about her dilemma. Teresa suppressed the urge to scream out loud in frustration. She instead bit her lip and answered, "I'm just exhausted with the day's events. I don't want to add this conversation to it..."

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