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"Oww", Teresa squealed. She opened her eyes, groaning. She turned to the right and she saw the sofa. She had fallen down from the sofa, flat on her face, in her sleep. She sat up, rubbing her forehead. She blinked her eyes, looking around for a second. It was then that she remembered Thomas talking to her, apologizing.

Wait, Was it a dream?, she panicked.

The chair in which Thomas sat was in the corner, not where Thomas had put it. Does that mean she was dreaming ?

"Well, only one way to find out", she sighed, placing her hand on the sofa to give herself a push and got up. She walked out of the room and noticed that it was still afternoon, as the bright rays of the sun scorched their way inside the warehouse.

She looked around, for what, she wasn't sure. She suddenly felt someone tug at her wrist. She gasped loudly, turning around.

"Hey..It's just me.", Sonya said, smiling. Teresa let out a breath, nodding.

"Come with me", Sonya dragged Teresa away. Teresa saw from the corner of her eye Minho, Thomas, Harriet, Frypan and Aris standing around a table, indulged in some deep discussion. It took her a few seconds to realize that Sonya was taking her to them. She  had a feeling someone was not going to like it.

She was proved right when she heard Harriet, "Are you crazy, Sonya? Why'd you bring her here?"

"Hello to you, too", Teresa rolled her eyes.

Harriet started, "You-", but Sonya cut her, "Don't you start now, Harriet. She deserves to know."

"Know what?", Teresa asked, and looked at everyone, puzzled.

Minho sighed, "We found a stash of weapons - pistols, machine gun....You name it. It's there."

"How...? Where'd you find it?", Teresa was curious.

"In that barrel", Aris said, pointing his finger to her right.

"What are we waiting for? Let's take a gun each, take down the cranks, find the flat trans and get the hell out of this wretched place.", Harriet said, tapping her fingers on the table.

"We can't. I haven't found the flat trans yet.", Teresa disagreed.

Thomas spoke for the first time since she arrived, not looking her in the eye, "What exactly did Ava Paige tell you?"

Teresa saw Thomas's demeanor, the way he avoided looking at her. She felt a pang of pain in her heart, realising that maybe Thomas hadn't really apologized to her.

She gulped sadly and said, "All she told me was that I'll know it when I see it. I'm guessing it's probably related to something close to me which she knows about. WICKED didn't give back all of my memories.They...denied some of them."

"Like what?", Frypan asked.

"I don't remember anything involving me and Thomas before going into the maze.", Teresa sighed.

Thomas took in her words and realised that she was stuck in a similar state like him. She didn't know anything about them before the maze, except that they were friends. Just like him.

He felt guilty for a second, for not getting back his memories when offered, but it vanished almost immediately as he remembered what Alby, Ben, Chuck and Newt went through.

Harriet said, "Why are we supposed to listen to anything that comes out of your mouth? You probably know where it actually is and just won't tell us."

Teresa snapped, "Oh yeah...I know where it is. But the thought of you guys dying is really nice...So much that I want to die, too.", Her voice dripped with sarcasm, "If I don't tell you about the flat trans, I die along with you guys."

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