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I stared at him, couldn't get off my hands of his hair. He stared at me too with just a little grin, I waited to see his next movement, sweetly caressing my hands going up to my wrists, and more, slowly sending me shivers, fuck. Finally I got out my hands leaving them behind me, I was sweating. "Let's go Geor-".

"Don't call me like that" he spoke, without leaving me end, he got up staying in front of me, we had almost the same height, I was so nervous that started go back to the door without broke our stare.

"Joji" I cleared my throat, breathing faster and faster with the seconds, trying he to not notice how I was, "Let's go.. together" I was opening the door slowly.

"It's not together because Max and Ian will be there, on my house.. with us" it was easy to see how severe he was.

"I can sit with you tonight" I begged him, a horn outside it made me startle, "Joji..".

"Alright" a smile formed on his lips, what?, his mood changed radically, leting me confused, he walked as I completely opened the door and both of us went out.

"Finally, why did you two take so long?" asked Max walking to me and hugging me by my waist, we kissed and he let me get in the car, sitting besides me I told him a good lie, making me feel pity, he was a bit.. too jealous, something that honestly make me happy in sone way.

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"At least isn't my account" I whispered to Ian that was with me in the kitchen, he pulls out some beers of the fridge.

"I can change that" he looked at me funny and I softly punched him with my elbow.

"Babe come here, the movie it's starting!" Max yells from the living room.

"The fuck man? You can pause it" now was Ian the yeller, we two went where my boyfriend were, I gave the popcorn to Joji, that was waiting for me to sit down next to him, and I did.


this sucks, it's short as fuck and i delayed like 40 minutes writing this, seriously, i had to end it there, i'm wirting a one-shot of joji too and it's 3 am help, anD YES I KNOW, I HAVE MORE THAN THREE SPELLING MISTAKES, I'M FALLING ASLEEP ASDASFASDSAD



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stokholm  // joji miller //Where stories live. Discover now