· t h r e e ·

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  "I don't want to see this anymore!" I spoke scared and hiding in Max's chest, he laughed and hugged me tighter, this shit it's not funny, I fell in love with all the characters and they all...

  "It's fine, it's just a movie, babe" Max kissed my forehead sweetly as I looked at him, I startled when I felt a warm touch, discreetly looking at my right side Joji left his hand on my thigh, why is he doing this? I mean, like this? I seems like he's trying to not be discover, something intimate. "George" Max calling him made me anxious and the hand wasn't in my thigh anymore, thanks.

  "Yeah?" he looked regular, even distracted with the horror film.

  "I'll bring some blankets, care for y/n" Joji nodded faster, I was a bit nervous, I don't want Max to delay, please.

  "Just half an hour more, babe" he come near to my ear, I moved a bit away, he has been acting weird these days, but today was another level. Ian was sleeping, idiot. I'm too weak to spoke him aggressively.. I didn't want to do that either, what the fuck can I do? he's coming with that mischievous smile. But suddenly the boy on my back was removing.

  "Let me sleep" Ian covered his eyes from the TV's annoying light, we could hear Max's footsteps come to us and the boy in front of me was in his last position, watching the movie.

  "For you, princess" my boyfriend set a blanket above us and Joji started with his movements again, raising his hand through my thigh again, I slap him without being noticed by Max.

  And when I was relaxed, giving a fuck about the movie, the long haired boy started to kiss me, he kissed my cheeks with intentions to go down, I bited my lip for controlling me smiling, I want Max to go even more down, fortunately he did, I stretched my neck leaving more space to him, fuck.

  In my move I looked at Joji, that he was staring at me so fucking direct, no emotions in his face, it made me swallow, and for a bite of my busy boyfriend I slightly moaned, shit.

  When I noticed Joji smiling, I was completely red and faster looked at Max for a place to hide in his chest, he started to laugh with innocent meaning and hugged me tighter "I wanna go sleep" I said with my heavy eyes closed, I don't want to look at them, this is so embarrassing.

  "I'll carry Ian to my bed, only because it's a mess, you can sleep here guys" I felt how he get up of the couch, I saw him squeezing Ian's head with his fingers and talking to him. Max and I were cozy in our position so we didn't move too much.

  "Where're you gonna sleep?" my boyfriend asked Joji, he seemed like didn't care, I worried.

  "Wait Max, can you help me with something?" he yawned a bit fake in my thoughts, but anyways the long haired boy accepted.

  Ian was in Jojis bedroom, sleeping of course and I was alone in the living room, to release tensions I pull out my phone and started to scroll down Twitter, no one was interesting, except for my four all-life friends. I count Chad too, but he didn't come to Brooklyn with us this year, fat cunt, he's funny in his only way. I got alarmed by a really loud sound, like a hit or something, Ian was outside the bedroom rubbing his eyes confused "let's check", he nodded and went in front of me, we're going to the basement, this shit's scary as fuck, "Max!? Joji!?" the sound of nothing alarmed me and Ian noticed easily.

  "Stay here, I'll check, just relax, maybe it's an ugly ass prank" the gentle in his words calmed me down, I gave him my phone with the light on and he started to go down the stairs, oh hell no.

  Another hit maked me anxious, just that this wasn't that loud.

hahahaha quiero morir
this chapter was written totally improvised cuz i have no plot ideas, i never have plot ideas tbh
butt i think i can handle this by now
i still confused with the "in" and "on" matenme
que duerman bien acá son las 5:46 am ;]

gift of papi 👉👌

gift of papi 👉👌

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