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  I wanted to touch him, to bite him, I wanted to drug him with all of me, but George started first. His mouth went from my lips to my neck quickly, with silly moves, making me smile for his despair, his hand kept squeezing me.

  "You taste so damn good" he spoke hoarse, the vibration over my breast made me shake but I could contain it.

  I didn't want him to stop, less when I felt his lower left hand went down to my ass, but here were the boys and this kiss escene was too much. I don't want to hurt anybody, Max told me that he still feeling the same way no matter what, and the most respectful thing I can do is not hurt him anymore. "Joji.. wait" with my hands behind me I couldn't stop him physically, I gazed him without hesitation and he did it, he stopped and moved off of me, I felt deeply cold inside.

  "Sorry, princess, I just.. I'm so impatient" before getting up he kissed my cheek full of love. I looked at Max that was trying to look something away from us, neutral face but his brain was a total war mess, "do you want me to bring you something? food? drink? whatever you need" he was taking care of don't left any detail apart, now was when I remembered the plan.

  "Well.. I have one petition" I swallowed pretty nervous of a negative answer, "do you have something to heal Max and Ian's wounds? I'll do it, they'll resist if you do" looking at him not really sure and feeling totally inferior I waited his words.

  "I don't know, I don't feel safe knowing that you'll touch them" was he serious? the only idea of me touching them made George jelous, in some way I liked, I loved how far his obsession could go, "or– or maybe you'll let them free, I can't risk" he took a deep breathe and shakily he continue "sure you– you'll go with them a– and leave me here, all alone" he started to hyperventilate scaring me, "alone again.. I was cheasing your love for too long, I never went this far, and it feels amazing even if you don't love the way I do!" I needed to stop him, somehow doesn't matter.

  "Please Joji, I'll do whatever you want, but let me help my friends.. our friends" I tried to go near to him, but I couldn't so he did, his right hand went quickly to my neck and he spoke full of seriousness.

  "Alright" spoke before thinking, he kissed me, I didn't want him to take off his hand, anyways he did to search what I believed it was the key.

  I was right.

  "Joji, thank you so much" I told him when he was unlocking my chains, he gazed at me with shining eyes, a big smile was now in his face making him look wonderful.

  "I'll bring the kit, sweetheart" he told me while I stroked my wrists, I nodded and looked up to George but he was already closer to my hands, after to me, "I'm the worst" he stroked my wrists with me. I did the same position as him, I knelt facing the obsessive boy and the drops falling from his eyes broked all inside of me, but before I could spoke he got up and went upstairs.

  I finally adjusted my bra and my hair after so long, my body was full of dirty dust, I crawled near Ian and slamed his cheek with a feather touch, "wake up Ian" he reacted quickly with quiet voice.

  "Oh, dear, we escaped? we're free?" I put his glasses on his face that were on the ground, I cleaned first of course, he looked around and sighed, "I was doubted so much" I fixed his hair but the sadness in his eyes made me wanna cry, "at least for sure he won't hurt you" I can't hear him anymore.

  "George'll come back, I convinced him to let you free just to heal you but.. somehow I'll find the way for you to scape" Max was looking at us now.

  "What about you?" he asked me, I didn't care, stay with George wasn't that bad, not in my opinion, I like the way he loves me, the obvious obsession he has on me makes me feel sure that he won't fool me, the way he looks at me, speaks to me, how he treats me, he's not rude with me and he's so lovel- "y/t, George is back!" I woke up from my thoughts, my sweet thoughts, maybe won't be so bad if I stay with George.

  I went where I was fast as I could, sticking the iron stick on my back, I was freezing.

  "Babe, I'm here" I pretended cover myself with the blankets, "oh, you look so damn cute" he smiled and knelt in front of me, with both of his hands on my cheeks he kissed my a few times making my face red, I wasn't colder anymore, "wait, are you cold? I lefted you some weeks without clothes but it was caution" caution? why? "anyways I have the kit for you" I looked at him reproaching a bit, "and for them, ok" he opened the kit letting me see what was inside, "it's not too much, but something.."

  "Thanks Joji, I love you so much" I kissed him, his actions was melting my heart.

  He smelled like serum, but why the fuck?

  "Oh, whatever for my princess" he kissed me again, and again, and again, I need to heal the guys.

  "Y/n, please.." Ian's voice caught me, I knew it, I gave a look to George and he move off of me, when I was near to Ian I felt a little cold in my hand, looking back I saw the japanese boy leaving the key, I smiled at him and he did the same.

  Finally I finished healing the wounds in the face and wrists of both guys, while I did George didn't go, anyways I managed to tell the guys that I wasn't going to chain them again but they had to pretend they were. I don't mind if I'm not going with them, but I just want to be sure that Ian and Max are ok.



the longest chapter till now

i haven't upload since 2 weeks i feel like dying

anyways i have like three more ideas for fics omfg

i'll write them rn

have an obsessive babe

have an obsessive babe

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