Chapter 7

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Negan and Rachel drive to the town, once again. There are a lot more people there this time. And a lot more trucks.

"You found anything good?" Negan asks John.

"We've gone through a few of the houses, some good stuff. Mostly canned foods." He answers.

"Good. Anyone been inside the school yet?" Negan asks.

"No. I thought you might wanna look through there yourself." He replied.

Negan smiles, "Alright. Come on Rachel," Negan gestures.


They enter through the main doors, just the two of them.

"Why are we doing this alone?" Rachel asks quietly, bow in hand.

"Because we're fucking badasses. And..i like being alone with you." He grins, biting his lip.

Rachel glances at him briefly. Then laughs under her breath. "Do you think we got them all?" Rachel asks about the walkers.

"Probably fucking not, so we should be careful," Negan advises, whispering.

They make their way down the hall, the stench is stifling. And even though they'd both gotten used to it by now, their noses crinkled in disgust.

"Holy fucking fuck! It smells like the fucking devils asshole in here!" Negan remarks.

"They must have been here for a while..that's a good sign." She says, grimacing.

They move from class to class, carefully and quietly. Making sure the area is clear.

"We'll leave the cafeteria till last," Negan says.

They make their way to the second floor, through double doors, moving slowly up the stairs.

Rachels bow at the ready, they open the doors to the second floor, and a wave of putrid flesh hits them both.

"Jesus fucking Christ!" Negan says in disgust, his hand covering his nose and mouth.

Rachel turns, facing the way they came, her hand mimicking Negan's. She places her bow over her shoulder, and leans forward against the wall, trying to compose herself.

Negan walks over to her, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. "You okay?" He asks sincerely.

Rachel nods, "Just need a minute." She answers, the words muffled under her hand. He takes a step back, allowing her some space. She takes her hand from her mouth, "I should stop being such a pussy right?" She asks.

"Right." Negan smiles sympathetically.

She turns to him smiling, "Let's get to it then."


The source of the smell, becomes clear.

Three of the classrooms are filled with rotten corpses.

They only enter one. Most of the dead, are children. Some of them, curled up under their desks.

Rachel clenches her jaw. Her eyes begin to brim with tears. She wipes them before they can fall. Negan catches sight of this, turning away quickly, so she isn't aware. "What happened here?" She asks.

Negan crouches near one of the corpses. Picking up a paper cup from the floor. "Mass suicide's my guess." He answers. He rises, showing her the cup, "These are all over the fucking place, must have done a fucking Jim Jones. Whoever did this, knew enough to take care of them after, make sure they didn't come back." He says, throwing the cup absently away.

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