Chapter 22

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"She's got a concussion," Dr. Carson says.

"No shit! That's fucking obvious. Is she gonna be alright though?" Negan asks, frowning.

Dr. Carson continues looking her over. "There's no way to tell for sure. She's breathing, so that's always a good sign."

Negan huffs frustratedly. "What fucking use are you? You can't tell me if she's gonna be alright?"

"I'm sorry, Negan. All we can do for now, is keep an eye on her," he says.

Negan holds Rachel's hand. He looks at her lying there. She looks so tiny to him, so vulnerable. His last words to her keep playing over and over in his head. Fuck! Please don't let those be my last words to her.

"How is she?" Simon asks, leaning against the door.

Negan turns to him, the whites of his eyes red. "Doctor doesn't know, what fucking use is he?"

Simon steps in, making his way to the other side of Rachel. "She looks so tiny."

Negan smiles, briefly. "I was just thinking that myself. Christ, to look at her, you wouldn't believe how we first met."

"I'll never forget it. I was in awe of her," Simon smiles.

"We both were. I still am. That's why it's so hard see her like this," Negan stutters.

Simon nods. "Rachel's the cutest little badass i ever met. She's gonna be fine, Negan."

"She will won't she. I need to stop being such a fucking pussy," Negan jokes.

"I know this isn't the best time, but what do you want me to do about the attack?" Simon asks.

Negan looks up at him. "We've already got men out there looking for those, fuckers!" He spits. "I need you to lead the search, Simon. I can't leave her. Not until i know she's okay."

"Sure thing, Negan," Simon assures him.

"Right now, i just want to find them. You find them, then back off. I want some time to think things through, because if i act right now, i'll Lucille every last fucking one of them!" Negan growls.

"I'll get right on it," Simon nods, then heads out the door.

Negan sits in the chair beside her bed, keeping a tight grip on her hand. He strokes her forehead, his finger running through her hair. "I'm sorry, baby. I..i'm a huge asshole. Just..just wake up, okay," he leans forward, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Don't leave me, baby. I..i'm fucking crazy about you. So wake the fuck up. That's an order."

Negan sits slumped in the chair, his hand resting against hers. He snores lightly, twitching every so often. He dreams.


Negan sits at the side of a hospital bed. He's been sat there for hours? Days? Weeks? He's not so sure. He holds the hand of the woman beside him. She's not much more than skin and bones. Her body eaten away by the disease that is slowly killing her. "Don't leave me, baby. You can't leave me. What the fuck am i supposed to do without you?" He sobs, tears falling down his cheeks. Her grip on his hand tightens. "Lucille," he smiles. Her grip tightens harder, almost crushing the bones in his hand. "Lucille!" He cries, trying to pull his hand away from hers. He jumps out of his chair, and falls to the floor, as she finally loosens her grip. He stands slowly. He doesn't want to, but his body doesn't care what he wants. He looks down at her. Her face is covered with a bedsheet. He reaches his hand forward, slowly pulling the cover back from her face. It's just his Lucille, his poor Lucille. Her skin taut against her frame. She's gone. "I'm so sorry, Lucille," he sobs. Her body begins to rot, right in front of his eyes. "No," he whimpers, as her skin peels from her, turning her into a rotting corpse. Negan wants to cover his eyes, but his body won't allow it. He watches her fade to nothing but bones. Then he's sat on the chair, once again. Holding her hand, once again. "Don't leave me, baby. You can't leave me. What the fuck am i supposed to do without you?" He sobs once again. She grips his hand. She grips it tight, until he falls to the floor once again. Negan stands, moving his hands towards the covers, slowly pulling them down. Only this time, it's Rachel. "No, please. I'm sorry," he cries, shaking his head. He watches Rachel rot.

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