Chapter 19

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"I thought maybe we could go out on a run today, just the two of us," Negan suggests.

Rachel lifts her head from his chest. "Why just the two of us?" She asks.

"What's the matter? You don't like being alone with me or something?" Negan smiles.

"I'm alone with you right now aren't i? It's just, every time we go out on a run, just the two of us, we either come across a herd, or we end know," Rachel smiles.

"I do fucking know, why the fuck do you think i want just the two of us," Negan grins, brushing his hand through her hair.

"Ha ha. But seriously, we never come back with anything," she points out.

"We come back with each other, that's a pretty good fucking run in my opinion," Negan says.

"That is so cheesy," Rachel laughs.

"Cheesy, or sweet?" Negan smiles, biting on his lip.

"Cheesy," Rachel giggles.

Negan runs his fingers down her back, resting his hand against her bare ass. "You wanna go then?" Negan asks.

"Of course i do. Just, try and make sure we come back with something other than ourselves this time," Rachel says.

"Hmm," Negan murmurs, as he nuzzles her neck. "We can go in like, an hour or some shit," he says, hovering above her.

Rachel runs her hand over the back of his neck, pulling his face close to hers. She kisses him deeply, moaning against his mouth.

"Make that two hours," Negan smiles.


They head out in a pick up truck. Rachel sits in the passenger seat, singing along to Arctic Monkeys. Negan had found her a second album, much to his own annoyance, as he apparently hated them. Though Rachel questioned that, as she could have sworn he'd had them playing when he got back from a run the other day.

"Oh that boy's a slag. The best you ever had, the best you ever had, is just a memory, and those dreams, weren't as daft as they seem, not as daft as they seem, my love, when you dream them up.. Flicking through a little book of sex tips, remember when the..." she sings.

Negan glances at her every so often, a content smile on his face. He glances at the dashboard. "What the fuck?" He frowns.

Rachel stops singing. "What's wrong?" She asks.

"It's running on fucking empty. I filled the fucker just before we left," he says frustratedly.

Negan brings the car to a stop, getting out to take a look.

"For fuck fucking sake!" Negan frowns.

"What is it?" Rachel asks, getting out of the passenger side.

"It's fucking pissing everywhere," he says, kicking at the wheel. "Stupid piece of shit!"

"We'll just have to walk back," Rachel says.

Negan pinches the bridge of his nose. "We've been driving for almost a fucking hour!" He stresses.

"Alright, don't bite my bloody head off. It was your idea to come out here in the first place, i told you it was a bad idea," Rachel says.

"Don't fucking do that," Negan huffed.

"Do what?" Rachel asks.

"Say i fucking told you so," Negan says, rubbing his temples.

"Well i did," Rachel answers, raising her arms either side of her.

"What did i just say?" Negan snaps.

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