Chapter 10

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Rachel sits in her room, attempting to read Misery, and failing. Her conversation with Dwight earlier, sticks in her mind.

She gives up on the book, deciding to head downstairs in search of food, now that her appetite has somewhat recovered. She grabs a sandwich, taking it outside. She sits on the steps, watching the walkers on the fence as she eats. "There he is!" Someone shouts to her left. She turns her head, seeing Negan with David and two other saviors. One of them grabs Dwight, pushing him down to his knees. "Kneel you cunt!" They order.

Negan stands before him, Lucille leaning over his shoulder, "Dwighty boy! We have a bit of a situation. A little fucking mystery if you will. I hope you're gonna help me fucking solve it. You see, Janet just checked the inventory on the meds. And we're missing some insulin. Now there's only one person i know of that needs insulin, but i'm guessing Tina doesn't have the fucking balls to sneak into the med storage and take it. So my best guess, is it had to be fucking you! Am i right?" Negan asks, his face stern.

Rachel rushes over.

Negan moves closer to Dwight, dropping Lucille close to Dwight's face, "Now don't you fucking lie to me Dwighty boy! I hate when motherfuckers lie to me, nothing worse tha-"

"It was me!" Rachel interrupts.

Negan stands straight, "What?" He asks, frowning.

"I took it, i knew Tina needed it, so i took it and gave it to her," she replies.

Negan stares at her, perplexed. Dwight looks at the ground nervously.

"That's against the rules boss, should teach her a lesson," David says.

"Watch your fucking mouth David! You don't fucking tell me anything!" Negan shouts, still staring at Rachel. "This the truth?" He asks her.

"Yeah, why would i lie?" Rachel answers, shrugging her shoulders.

Negan grinds his teeth, "Dwight, looks like it's your lucky fucking day, you can go about your business. Rachel, you come with me, we need a word," he says, walking in her direction.


Negan closes the door to Rachel's room behind him, and places Lucille on the coffee table. He runs a hand over his face, "You telling me the truth?" He asks.

She frowns, "You already asked me that."

"I know that, but why would you do Tina a favour? I don't think you've said one goddamn word to her since you got here!" He says, moving closer to her.

Rachel stands her ground, "I took the insulin, not Dwight, me!" She answers, looking him straight in the eye.

He tilts his head back, chewing on the inside of his mouth, "You can't do that Rachel."

"Why not? You said i could take whatever i wanted!" She argues.

"I said you could take whatever the fuck you wanted for you! Not for every fucker else!" He shouts.

"It's only a bit of insulin..Jesus!" She frowns.

"It's not though is it? Simon and Gareth have both seen you giving food to the workers," Negan points out.

"Oh great! They go running to you like a couple of school boys," she says, rolling her eyes.

"They're doing you a fucking favour! Simon respects you, and Gareth..well, Gareth thinks the sun shines out your fucking ass," he says sarcastically, " A lot of my men respect you, but that only goes so far. There's a fucking line Rachel. And you keep fucking crossing it on a daily fucking basis. I let you get away with talking to me the way you do, because i like you, more than i fucking want to. But i cannot! Let you get away with breaking the rules! If i let that shit go unpunished! My men will start to fucking doubt me!"

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