Chapter 9

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"My hand hurts," Rachel says, wincing.

"It's supposed to. Now quit whinging like a little girl, and draw the damn bow!" He orders.

She draws the bow, fingers hurting. Her arm begins to shake. "You're holding it too long. You need to release it quicker," he advises.

"But how am i supposed to aim right?" She asks.

"Don't draw until you're ready to shoot. Your arms are weak girl. You won't be able to hold a draw, until you work on those damn arms!" He scolds.

She draws the bow then releases, missing the target. "Come on girl! You can do better than that!" He taunts.

"I'm tired," she says, turning to him.

"Oh, i'm sorry. Would you like to go take a siesta? Want me to go get you a nice stool so you can put your feet up?" He asks sarcastically.

"Merle i-"

"No no." He cuts in, waving his hand, moving closer to her. "If this is all getting too much for you, go take a rest Shortie," Rachel looks at the ground. "You think the biters give two shits if you're tired? practically begged me, to teach you what i know, and i've been out here doing just that..cutting into my own, damn, personal time...i thought you might have some potential, but maybe i was wrong? Maybe you're just another sorry sack of shit? You wanna keep being a victim? That's fine by me..just don't waste my damn time!" He shouts, walking off.

Rachel remains still, tears beginning to fill her eyes. Don't be such a pussy! She thinks, wiping her eyes. She continues to throw her arrows.

Merle comes back, an hour later. He watches her practicing, and smiles when he sees her hit the target more times than she misses. "Alright that's enough now. You done good today," he says. "Here, i got something for you. Should help you a little."

He hands her a pair of black leather, fingerless glove. "Thanks Merle. These are great!" She smiles.

"Yeah yeah, come on, let's get you something to eat shortie," he jokes.

She turns her head to the left, "You hear that?" She asks.

"Hear what?" Merle questions.

"Whistling, you can't hear it?" She frowns.

"I can't hear shit shortie, i'm dead."

She turns to Merle, only it isn't Merle anymore, but a rotten corpse that resembles him. He grabs at her, and she stumbles backwards to the ground. She attempts to scream, but nothing comes out...


Rachel wakes, sweat covering her brow. Her head hurts, and her mouth feels like sandpaper. She can hear whistling coming from a door to her left, and running water. Oh shit! She thinks, as last night comes back to her. The door to her left opens, Negan strolls out, freshly shaved in his white shirt and dark jeans, his hair is still wet from his shower. "Hey beautiful!" He beams.

"Hmm," she murmurs, pulling the blanket over her head, wishing the ground would swallow her up.

Negan grins from ear to ear, "Come on baby, there's no need to be embarrassed," he smiles, sitting beside her on the bed.

"I'm not embarrassed! Why would i be embarrassed?" She says from under the blanket, her voice muffled.

"Well let's fucking see shall we?" He begins, putting his feet up on the bed, sitting up against his pillows. "There was you climbing over my bar, fuck i wish i'd seen that! I bet i would've got a fucking awesome view of your panties!" Rachel kicks him from under the blanket. "I'm just kidding...fuck i am, that was a lie," he laughs. "Any-fucking-hoo, what else was there? Oh tried to kiss me!" He smiles.

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