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©2017, Olan L. Smith

Director Morgan quickly said, "This is a domestic issue and not the CIA's jurisdiction, but we'll let them handle the international aspects, but Levi is our concern. I will call the technicians so we can review the video." He called from a secured line in the office and the group overheard the one sided conversation. "Agent Bryant? This is Director Morgan.... How far have you come on project 51-X? Yes... I understand...yes.... Okay...that is interesting.... I would like you to bring the information that you have and give the Security Council a briefing.... How soon can you be here? Good work Bryant and I will see you in fifteen.... click. My agent who is heading up this project is coming over with the tech to give us a rundown on what they have so far."

Mrs. McDowell said, "We heard you say that was interesting, what can you tell us?"

Director Walter Morgan replied, "They have made some progress and believe that the water sounds are many different languages, one on top of the other, like layers, so when played at once they sound like water."

She asked further, "And just how does he or she think this was accomplished. How did it get recorded in the first place when the President says he heard a telepathic message?"

He replied, "I don't know but I will let you ask 'her' when she gets here," Terri Bryant and her technician entered and setup their hardware. When they were finished, Mrs. McDowell brought the meeting to order by saying, "Director Morgan, you may begin your presentation."

Director Morgan stood and said, "I present to you a special agent of communication; Terri Bryant, and her tech, Shelly Woo. I turned it over to Terri."

"This is the most interesting taping I have ever worked with," she said. "I have worked with thousands, and what I can tell you, is that whatever made this, meant for it to be decoded. The way it is layered on the tape makes it easy to decode and for everyone to understand. We now know it is every language on earth, plus some we have never heard before, saying the exact same thing, repeatedly."

Director Morgan asked her, "What kind of technology created this recording?"

"We don't know, sir, it is something that cannot be done currently by anything we know about. I will let Shelly tell you more. Shelly?"

"I believe this recording is not of human origin. The tonal quality is like nothing I have ever heard before, having separated some of the layers. I will play it and you determine it for yourselves." She put her disc in the computer and played the English version of the recording.

Everyone in the room was as quiet as mice as they listened to the same sentence repeatedly, "I, Yah, am coming soon."

Woo continued, "What we have determined by the oddity of the sound, is that it is an accent, which we have never heard before. This oddity continues in Spanish, French, and in Latin. We will continue to work on other languages, but there are so many of them. We assume they all say the same thing."

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