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©2017, Olan L. Smith

Walking through the pillars and into the portico, they joined up with Ruth. This time she dressed in a white robe with a headdress and veil. On the headband was an emblazoned Star of David with fig trees, open flowers and pomegranates. She said to them, "I see you have enjoyed your first encounter with our members. This is good. Many more such meetings await you, but now we must discuss the business at hand. In the holy place, we wear clothes, not for our shame of our bodies, but out of respect to the Lord and to The Twelve. They are greatest elders of our congregation, and held in high esteem. Come with me, I have your garments. It would be my honor to dress you." They walked to the north side of the entry where their robes hung from hooks. Ruth picked out the appropriate garments for each of the three. The attires were very ornate. All were of royal blue, and as she dressed them, she would bow her head to the floor and kiss their feet. "I am grateful, my children. They blessed my son Obed before he was born. I now return the favor. Blessed are you who walk with the Lord. May your missions receive great honor and may you live to the day of the return of the Messiah." After Ruth put on each of their headdresses she retrieved the veils for the wives. "In the Holy Place the married women must wear a veil." When she had finished adorning their faces and told them, "When we go inside do not speak unto you are asked to do so. As you approach the council table, you must bow and place your face to the floor. Do not look up until they tell you to rise."

As they neared the table, located in front of the curtain to this Most Holy Place, they stopped in near shock. Ruth turned around and urged them to approach. As she came close to them, she stopped and bowed to the floor with outstretched hand as her nose touched the floor. Per instruction-- Reuben, Alicia and Greta knelt behind her. They did not rise. Greta seemed awe-struck, Reuben felt fearful, but Alicia was curious, and felt weak in her stomach. Greta worried she would faint if she was asked to stand, and Reuben felt overwhelm, this was not what he expected. He anticipated twelve old men with long gray hair and beards. What he observed, was inexplicable and words failed him. If they asked him to speak he felt his tongue would swell, and he would choke on it. Alicia responded differently. Her highly scientific mind had been piqued. Who were these beings of light? She thought. Perhaps they were aliens or something else, altogether. To her they seem to resemble humans, in a way. They had faces and the semblance of arms. However, the rest of them had little resemblance to anything she'd witnessed in life or dreams. "Arise, my children and approach." They got up slowly. Greta summoned her strength to stay erect. "Sit in the chairs that we have prepared for you. Ruth, you may depart from us."

She walked out backwards and bowed many times, as she left. When she removed herself, the voice spoke again. "We have awaited your appearance for over two millennia, and we are honored." Alicia could not tell which being spoke. The words were definitively auditory, but not telepathic thought projections, yet, she could not discern any evidence of speech emanating from any individual in particular. Perhaps, they spoke as one. Their minds might be so highly evolved that they spoke as one person, if you could call them people. She estimated their size at approximately that of a human, only their bodies ended in a point from what she could see, as she peaked under the table while prostrated. The best she could come up with for a description of them was that they were comma-shaped, or upside down elongated tear drops of radiant energy that had human-like faces, and short arms. Unquestionably, they did not consist of matter forming fermions; maybe they consisted of some type of boson field. "Do not fear to speak my children we are here to serve you. Your questions and dialogue are most welcome."

Alicia did not hesitate, "What are you? I would guess you are beings of pure energy."

In addition, Greta asked, "Are you Pleiadian beings?"

"No we are not Pleiadians. We are ascended humans unincorporated in collective, in other words we maintain our individuality and core memories of our lives, outside of Yahweh. Once we were like you. We reached the end of our cycle of birth, death and rebirth and dwell with the Lord God but not in him. Alicia, Greta, both of you have experienced Levi's presence. Levi is only a part of the Yah or Adonai. Imagine a being a trillion times as wonderful, as powerful as Levi and that would be only a small part of Yahweh or Adonai. You, Reuben have not experienced your guide. She will come to you tonight, and you will know a small part of what your wives understand. Your faith is greater, for you have not seen the Lord, yet you believe in him, however, these two help in your conversion, you made the decision to follow the Voice, despite how the outside world would view your choice. We do not persuade anyone to believe. They believe, because they choose to do so. A person who meets the representative of the Lord, on earth believes because they have seen, and the other believe because they have faith.  

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