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©2017, Olan L. Smith

The President put on his gown, and soon a nurse came in to see him. "Mr. President, I will be your personal nurse, while you are here. I know that the doctor is working on a cocktail of drugs to help slow your aging effects, and your wife and minister should arrive soon. Is there anything I can get to make you comfortable?"

"Yes, you can bring me a telephone."

"Now, you know that is against the doctor's orders, sir."

"Then bring me an orange and some ice cream."

"Yes sir, right away." As she walked out she read his dietary chart and then walked away. She was informed of his condition, but she wasn't prepared for what she saw, a very old man. He looked to her as if he was in his late eighties. She was worried about the state of the nation, were we at war, or was this some type of mysterious illness? whatever, with the number of doctors gathered from around the nation coming to consult, she was sure it would not remain a secret, much longer. She looked at her watch, it was now six-thirty pm, and she wondered how much longer he would live. At least she could make him comfortable.

As she walked to get the orange and ice cream from the cafeteria, she saw the President's doctor walk by her in a hurry and wondered, what now? She stopped, turned around, and followed him to the room. When she got to the nurses' station she grabbed the phone and called down to the cafeteria and ordered the items, stat. Then she walked to the Presidents room to overhear him say, "Mr. President. I have some good news for you. From the latest blood test, it seems your aging has slowed."

Hammett said, "Good, then the medicine is working."

"Well that is the funny thing about the test, because it was taken before we started to give you any medications. It seems your telomeres have slowed your aging process."

"Then I can resume my responsibilities?"

"I am afraid not sir, we estimate your body age to be about eighty years, and the slowing down is very slight. Your telomeres are shoring up, but you are not getting younger or returning to your age, and even at this rate you will be one hundred and eight by morning. Your brain has already aged eighty years, and we will have to give you a barrage of tests both mental and physical. If you manage to live through the night, I will schedule you for the testing in the morning. For now, I am going to give you a sedative, this will help you sleep."

"Okay, doctor, I will go to sleep, but not before my nurse brings me that orange and ice cream."

"I will leave the nurse's instructions as to what to give you, after you have eaten your orange. Goodnight, sir." He signaled the nurse to follow him outside, "He is in critical condition. I want you to be by his side at all times and watch his vitals. Do not let anyone disturb his sleep. It is vital to his recovery, and that includes his wife or anyone else. I will leave written instructions for you to follow.

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