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When Jahseh and Jayla walked down 3 blocks, Jayla had passed out from the heat. Jahseh picked Jayla up and walked her home but when Jahseh laid her on the bed and tried to wake her to tell her they're home, she wouldn't wake up. She didn't even move. What happened to her?

Jahseh's pov*

"Jayla wake up!" I said shaking her. She didn't even move.
"Jayla wake up!!!" I said shaking her even harder. Once again she didn't move. I called 911 for the 2nd time this week. Why does this have to happen to me?
911:" 911, what's your emergency?"
Me: "Um,  a girl named Jayla Onfroy was in the hospital yesterday but when I took her home, she passed out and won't wake up."
911: "What's your address sir?"
Jahseh:"IGotAnythingThatTheseBitchesNeed st. House 17. Can you please hurry before something happens!"
911:"An ambulance is on the way sir."

(You see what I did there for the address😂😂😂)

Arriving at the hospital*

I walked along Jayla as they rushed her into the emergency room. I hope she was okay. They blocked me off at the entrance to the emergency room.
"Sorry sir I cannot let you go pass this point."
"I SAID MOVE! THATS MY SISTER IN THERE AND IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HER I WILL NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF!"I said trying to push past him. He wouldn't budge and I seen 2 men pulling me away from the door.
"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" I yelled pulling away from the men. I walked into the waiting room and my leg started shaking fast. There was a girl next to me just staring. I was too pissed to even look at her. I just looked down at the floor worried about Jayla.
???:" What's the matter? Why you look so angry?"
I ignored her and started getting deep into my thoughts. What does this girl even want? Why is she talking to me? I walked to the other side if the room and took a seat. I felt her eyes follow me all the way there.
" What do you want!" I said finally looking back at her.
" I want to know why your mad, that's all."
"AND I WANT YOU TO MIND YOUR BUSINESS!" I yelled angrily getting up and walking out the room. I started pacing back and forth in the hallway.
I need to calm down before I do something I regret. I started counting to 10 in my head and paced back and forth slower. I walked up to the lady at the desk and asked "Can I see Jayla Onfroy?" She nodded and said "one second sir." I waited and she finally got the room number. "Floor 7, room 20. I rushed into the elevator. I walked down the hall and eventually found room 20.
"Hi Jayla." I said softly as she was barely able to open her eyes closing the door behind me. I walked up to her and gave her a hug.
"Ouch!"Jayla said reminding me of what happened yesterday.
"Oh, sorry, I forgot..." I pulled a chair up and sat next to her.
"You okay?"
"Yeah I guess so..."
"When we leave here, I'll take you to IHop  to get a nice shteak." I said making her laugh faintly. My mom always took us to Ihop on special occasions before she died. Every time I look at Jayla, it reminds me of mom. That's why I plan on taking extra care of her.
Tonight I will buy a bike so that Jayla doesn't have to walk home again and it will be big enough for both of us that way we will get home faster. All long as she's okay, I'm okay.

Sorry I've been posting so late. I've been busy with alot of stuff lately and haven't had time to update.


Thx for voting and commenting!

Song in mm: Dead inside by G.O.A.Tentacion😍😍😍

Gn babes!

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