June 5,2014

161 15 1

"Bye grandpa" Her voice cracked. I knew she was about to cry. Her voice always cracks when she's about to cry. I hope she fixes this because the thought of me dying tomorrow is not good and I know Geneva's not gonna handle it well.

Geneva's pov*
I ran downstairs and went to the front desk. I couldn't believe this was happening. I fucking hate my life...
I approached the lady at the front desk.
"Exuse me, I'd like to speak to Dr.Pepper please."
"Just sec...he'll be right with u."
"Thank you" I sat down in the waiting room in the same seat when I first met Jahseh. My anxiety started to come back. I felt my leg start shaking. I started to get deep into my thoughts. I closed my eyes and felt my demons start taking over. My voices started to come back. I needed to come back to reality but I couldnt. My darkness pleasured me. After what seemed like hours, I felt someone tap me on my shoulder it was...

Jayla,s pov*
I went back to Jahseh's room to see him crying as if Marcus had just now beat him.
"What's the matter"
"I just wanna go back to Grandma's house. I can't stay here no more."
"Why? Did somebody do something to you?"
" I've been stabbed in my stomach Jayla. The doctors refuse to help me and I need pain killers. Go downstairs and call Grandma at the front desk." He said pointing towards the door.
"Ok, anything for you big bro. I'll be right back" I went downstairs and went to the front desk as I was told.
"Can I use y'all phone?" The lady nodded and passed me the phone. I typed in Grandma,s phone number. I memorized it because I always used to call her before mommy died.
"Hello who is this?"
"It's me Grandma, Jayla."
"Hey baby! How you doing and why are you calling from the hospital?"
" Issa long story and I'm good but Jahseh isn't. He's kinda homesick."
"Aw, poor baby. I had a suprise for Jahseh anyways. Remember his little friend from jail that he kept on telling us about when we bailed him out, I think his name was stokely."
"Well, I bailed him out with Jahseh's college funds because no school is going to except him since he went to jail. I'm going to tell him to come to the hospital right now okay baby."
"Okay, bye Grandma."
"Bye baby, call me when you get a chance."
"K, bye"
I gave the lady back the phone and when I walked towards the staircase I saw that jit Geneva. Im gonna confront her like I said I would.

Hey guys, I'm back! I'm about to start making little funny short stories while I'm updating this book so that y'all can be occupied. I just got my phone yesterday so expect more updates. Also, I'm not gonna talk much about x,s new style but if people continue to be mean and disrespect him because he,s being himself I will post something about it.

Thnx for voting and commenting. Y'all are the best. Love y'all😍😍😍!

Song in mm: Freddy vs Jason by x and ski mask

See y'all later. Bye🤗😍😘!

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