June 4,2014

184 13 1

I leaned over and wiped her tears. She was hurting so much. I hate to see a girl so sad. I leaned over and kissed her. She kissed back and then our lips started moving in sync. I felt this warm feeling rush inside my body. I didn't have feelings for her but I couldn't stop, it felt so right.

Jayla's pov*
"WHAT THE HELL!?!" I walked in the door to see Jahseh and Geneva having a whole make out session.They immediately stopped and their eyes opened wide. I told her to spend the day with her grandfather so it's disappointing to see her here making out when her grandpa only has a month to live. If it was me, I would've stayed with him the whole time and only go home to shower and come straight back.
"Its not what it looks like!" Jahseh said with his eyes still wide open. Geneva sat back in her seat and took a deep breath. She looked at me with an attitude.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were going to your grandfather's room." I said facing Geneva.
"Yeah, and your point is?"who does this heffa  think she talking to? I will choke her out.
"My point is that you should be with your grandpa instead of making out wit Jahseh!"
"And shouldn't you be in your hospital bed. I haven't recalled you being released yet." Yo, she really getting me tight now.
"No I shouldn't, I don't have to stay there if I don't want to!"
"Watch who you yelling at little girl!"
"Yo, Jahseh come get your little low life excuse for a friend!" I said signaling to come get her.
"EXUSE ME!" She got up outta her chair walked towards me.
"Is there a problem hoe!?!"
she started clenching her fist.
"If you touch me, Jahseh will break you and your heart! Try me! " she calmed down and walked out the room breathing heavily.
" I THOUGHT SO YOU DUMB CORN FLAKE!" I walked to Jahseh and sat on the bed.
"What was she doing here?" He sighed and explained.
"She was just venting to me about some stuff" I gave him the "really Nigga" face in disbelief.
"Oh really, because it looked like she was doing way more than venting!"
"She was sad and had told me she liked me so I kissed her to make her feel better."
"Ok,if that was the case then all you had to do was give her a peck on the lips but it look like y'all was about to get down and dirty."
"Nah, I don't even think about doing that wit her. I barely know her and I'm not ready to fall in love again." He said looking down in disappointment. I got up and hugged him but he grunted in pain.
"Its okay but when I need you to do me a favor."
"What is it?"
"When it gets dark, your going to stay here and sneak onto the computer in the lobby and erase all the files about me and you and then to wake me up and we have to escape."
"What why?"
"The guy that did this to me took my book bag filled with the money. I can't pay for our treatments."
"He did? I'm just curious on what happened to you in the first place?"
"Well, you know how I was supposed to buy that bike for us?"
"Well, I went to target to get one and I bought 2 phones for you and me but when I bought them and walked out the store, this bitch ass nigga came and stabbed me and then stole everything including the bookbag."
I was speechless. Why would someone do that. I looked at Jahseh. He looked so angry and clenched his fist and started breathing heavy.
I rubbed his back.
"Calm down Jahseh, it's okay"
"No its not okay! How are we going to take care of ourselves?!?" He yelled at me. He started to calm down and counted to 10 under his breath.
"Sorry... I didn't me-" I cut him off.
"Its okay, I understand. We've been through a lot this week."
" I love you Jayla, I won't let anything happen to you. You are my only sister and Ill do anything for you. Just know that."
"I love you too big bro." I kissed him on his forehead and left the room. I ran back downstairs to my room and went to sleep in my bed. All my questions were solved today but one. Why was Geneva being so rude?

I finally was able to updat. I was gonna update last night but my dad came in my room and told me to get off the phone and go to sleep. I was gonna keep writing on the down low but he kept on coming in my room so I had to go to sleep but here's the chapter y'all been waiting for. I might update tomorrow or Saturday but just be on the lookout.


Thx for voting. Y'all are the best!😍😍😍

Song in the mm: You cannot switch by Anonymous H. Y'all gotta check him out!

Gn babes😘😘😘

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