June 3,2014

229 19 1

"Its going to be okay Jayla, its going to be okay..." I felt tears fall down my face as I held onto her. I felt so bad. She and Jahseh were only kids. Why was life like this? Why did it have to be them? I knew they didn't deserve this. I looked at Jayla. She was so hurt. It looked like she would end it all if she could but she feels too helpless to do so. I felt the same. Fuck life...

Jayla's pov*
I wished mama was still here. All of this would be never happened. I just wanna live with grandma. She gave us me and and Jahseh anything we wanted, well, except for money, that's the only thing she barely had. She lived in the ghetto side of Broward where there was nothing but poor people but they still had hope. And because of my grandma, I have hope too. Sure I get depressed and want to end all the pain, but I still have hope that one day, just one day, our lives are gonna change.

Jahseh's pov*
I woke up in a hospital bed. I look down at myself to see that I had medical wrap around my stomach with a big patch of blood seaping through it. Why don't I have stitches?
Somebody finally came in, but it wasn't a nurse. It was Geneva who had looked like she'd been recently crying.
"Hey Jahseh" she said as she closed the door behind her.
"Hey, um, what happened? Why you look so sad?" She walked up to me and analyzed my body. Dang, is she catchin' feelings already? I know I'm cute and all but........nevermind.
"Jayla has been really worried about you and she asked me to check on you to make sure your okay."
"Well I'm fine" I said putting on a fake smile. My arm is killing me from when that dumb nigga pushed me off the bike.
"I know your lying. You don't look "fine" at all."

General's pov*
I sat down next to him. Technically, I was telling the truth but I was still lying. I know he's not fine because he has a big gash in his stomach but at the the same time, I'm not even gonna hold you, he fine asf. He gotta wife me wit his handsome self, dufaq. But anyways, I got other things to worry about, like my grandfather and life.
"Um, Jahseh?"
"Yeah?" He turned towards me.
"What happened to you anyways?"
"Why do you care? I'm just a stranger to you." He said looking out the window.
"Because I care for you and Jayla. Y'all are just kids like me and y'all are going through this. Y'all don't deserve this hurt, this pain, this suffering. None of us do."
"Thank you for caring but I'd rather not talk about it right now. I just need time to myself. Just know that I will get revenge on the guy that did this to me."
Suddenly the door opened, a doctor came in.
"Excuse me miss, you need to leave right now. I have to stitch him up." He taking a seat next to Jahseh placing down a tray that had a needle, thread, and tweezers.
"Ok, see you later Jahseh"
"Bye Geneva" he said waving. I walked out the room.

Jahseh's pov*
"Excuse me doctor, can I be put to sleep first?"
"The anesthesia is $6,000"
"Oh, nevermind then"
I can't afford it because that guy stole my book bag. I can't believe he's doing this while I'm awake. I know what your thinking. "JaHseh, wHy dIdNT yoU jUsT sAY YeS aNd thEn LeAve BefORe YOu GeT tHe BiLL?" Well, first off, I'm not trying to go to jail...agian. Second, if I did do that, I couldn't go home because the hospital knows where I live so that means I would have to be homeless and dangerously live on the streets which I'm not gonna do because I have to protect Jayla.Welp, here comes the pain. I looked over at him as he put the thread through the needle. He started unwrapping the medical wrap.
"Are you ready sir?"
"I guess so..." I squeezed my eyes bracing myself for the pain.

This is how he sounded👇👇👇

Yo this video had me weak when x did it to Craig and then Craig was like "ah😑😑😑"

So I got church today, Ik, you probrably think I'm ed. I know today is not Sunday but I go to church on Saturdays because I'm a seventh day Adventist( a person who goes to church on Saturday) so idk if I can update bc after that, I'm getting my hair done but just stay tooned!


Thnx for voting and commenting!😊

Song in the mm: garettes revenge by my vrother

Gn babes😘😘😘

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