The afterlife... or not

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    {warning some religious kinda content cuz like yeah so it makes sense}
  Hanzo and Jesse open their eyes and what they see is a god like figure. the figure looks at both of the men and answers. "Why hello there Jesse mcree and hanzo shimada"
Jesse is very surprised as he waves slowly and hanzo responds "hello there,  by any chance is this the afterlife?" The figure answered "why yes it is! Welcome!" As he shows two golden gates on top of one big cloud. "Brightest light I've seen" the cowboy answers.  The figure then answers with a more serious tone "you two died such a dumb way" he then looks at hanzo. Hanzo answers "yeah we did sorry." Mcree then goes into a worried tone " does that mean we are goin to the bad place?!?" The figure laughs "no of course not, instead you get a second chance." Mcree and hanzo look at eachother with relief and happiness as they both reply back "thank you so much"
"But" says the figure "not your old bodies, new ones, but don't worry you still have your memories!" And  everything turned black.

Third part will be out soon! If you have any requests please tell me it is greatly appreciated. Sorry this chapter was short I don't want people to be reading just long paragraphs but if you guys prefer it I will do it. I will update maybe every 3 days just depends with my schedule
Thank chu for reading again!

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