Chapter 12

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"There you go, look at that flow," He complimented her.

"More like look at your flow, Mr. Rhymes," She responded and laughed.

"I rhymed? Didn't even mean to, maybe its raw talent." He laughed at his own joke.

"Thanks..Again. You're really a lifesaver."

"Anytime." His phone buzzed, "Sorry I gotta go, voice recording. Catch you next session?" He grinned.

"I'll be there." She smiled in return. He walked off towards his studio while she gathered the courage to go into hers.

"Marie, I'm ready to record," She declared.

"Now thats what I like to hear. Get in that booth, girl," Her manager replied.

She stepped inside and slipped on her headphones. The music started playing and she sang right on cue, "We all got nightmares in our dreams. We look for someone to believe in us and show us the way." She continued singing her heart out, Marie nodding her head at parts and shaking it at others. "I dont mind your shadows cause they disappear in the light. I dont mind your shadows cause they look a lot like mine." When she heard the chorus, Marie was impressed. At the end of the song, she clapped.

"Bravo darling, bravo," She congratulated her. "Tell me, where did you get the inspiration?"

"Someone told me to go for my dream. To keep trying," She answered, remembering what Bradley had told her.

"It was that boy, wasn't it.." A smirk was plastered on her face.

"Yeah, why?"

"I think you like him."

"What? No way. Not like that."

"Are you sure?" Her manager made kissy noises.

"Okay this has become weird, Im leaving now." She dashed out the door, while her manager laughed.

Once outside, she ran a hand through her hair. She thought about what Marie had said to her. Sure, he helped her a couple times, but she didn't like him like that, did she?

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