Condoms PT2

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I get dressed in this

 And I get a snap from Blake B- hey sexy J- Blake

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And I get a snap from Blake
B- hey sexy
J- Blake.... really? 😅
B- send me a pic of your sexy ass😍

 B- AHH😍😍😍😍J- I have to go, I'm heading over to babysit for Zachs mom B- okay I'll see you later ;) ----------I walk over to Zachs and he opens the door " hel- oh " he says " what? Cat got your tongue?" I laugh and he blushes

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B- AHH😍😍😍😍
J- I have to go, I'm heading over to babysit for Zachs mom
B- okay I'll see you later ;)
I walk over to Zachs and he opens the door " hel- oh " he says " what? Cat got your tongue?" I laugh and he blushes. We watch a movie and talk and get to know each other before he leaves with his parents for a company dinner party.  I post on my story that I'm babysitting and I'm lonely.( the kids are asleep) someone opens the door and I see Blake there " Blake? What are you doing here?!" I whisper and he smirks and sits down next to me and whispers " your not lonely anymore ". I smile and his hand traces up my thigh " what are you doing! What if Ryan or Reese come down here!" I squeal and he says " they won't " I take a breath and he kisses me. I kiss back but as his hand traces up I feel fear inside me grow. I'm a virgin and I don't know if he's the right person.... I pull away " we don't have protection " I use that for an excuse but he reaches in his pocket. He pulls out a condom and kisses me again. His hand touches me through my panties and I feel deep inside me it's wrong but fuck it ya know. I lay back on the couch and he continues to touch me. He pulls the fabric aside and touches me gently. I moan lightly and he smiles. I kiss him again and the again. I grip the edge of the couch and he uses his leg to spread my legs open. I feel a panic attack but I push it aside. I un tie his joggers and he smiles. He shoves a finger inside me and I moan. He goes in and out and I kiss him harder.  I open my eyes and I see head lights pass the window. I sit up and he pulls away.  I peak through the curtain and it's just a passing car. " shit. I thought they were back " I say running my hands through my hair. Blake smiles lightly and he says " if you want me to stop I can " I smile and say " do what you want " and he kisses me again I hear footsteps from upstairs and I push blakes hand away from my vagina and he runs to a closet.  I hear Ryan walk down " hey what are you doing up?" I ask him and he says " I'm getting water and then I'm going back to bed ". My legs shaky from what just happened. I watch him walk back upstairs and his door closes. Blake comes back out and he says " well damn " I laugh and I say " we have to be more quiet " and he nods.  For the rest of the night we talked and watched tv. He left early and the after 20 minutes they come back. " hey thanks again " Zachs mom says and hands me 15 dollars since it was less time.  I thank them and I hug Zach and kiss his cheek then walk home. As I'm walking home I feel a hand on my ass. I turn to see Josie there " Jesus Christ girl. Your ass is huge " she says and I smack her hand away " I saw Blake leave his house. Did y'all fuck on the couch " she asks and I go red and tell her what happened " he fingered you but you didn't want it?" She says and I say " I don't know Josie. I felt like I didn't want to but I let him " she taps her screen and something sends.  " what did you just send?" I ask and she shows me a video of me saying that.... " you told Zach, I told Blake " she says and I slap her and run inside.  I lock myself in my room and I start a shower. I slam my phone down and rip off my dress. I get in the shower and I realize what happened.  I didn't want it but he did it anyways..... I sit on the bottom of the shower and cry silently. I walk back in my room and I get dressed. I take off my makeup and I sit in my bed in a tank top and sweatpants. Josie walks in and says " fat ass??    Fatty???? JOSEPHINE " I shoot her a look and say " THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!!!!" She backs out and my dad comes in " what the hell do you think your doing talking to your sister like that!" And grabs my wrist  he squeezes and I yelp in pain. My sister starts to cry silently watching the scene and I try to pull away but my dad holds tighter. I scream it hurts so bad and he throws me to the floor " TALK TO YOUR FAMILY WITH RESPECT!" And walks out " omg joey are you okay " my sister says kneeling to me " just go away " I say and she backs away.  I cry myself to sleep. 
I wake up and my phone has multiple messages from Blake saying he actually liked me and thought I liked him back. I reply back and tell him it's been three days and it's too soon to have anything. He understands and says we will just be friends. I close my phone and I look at my wrist and see bruises from my dads hand on my wrist.  I get a FaceTime call from Zach. I walk to my computer and answer. His beautiful face pops up " hey" I say and he says " wayhoo " I laugh and we make plans to meet up at the cafe with Jessie and Jasper. I hang up and put on a long sleeve crop top and ripped jeans. I walk to the cafe with Jasper and Jessie. I see Zach and I hug him. We get coffee and he got hot chocolate since he's not a coffee drinker. I stretch my arm and my sleeve moves. He looks at the bruises and I cover them quickly.  He grabs my hand and pulls it up " what's this " he asks and I cover it " nothing " I say and he looks at me with sad eyes " oh that!" My sister says " that's what happens when our dad comes home angry and drunk and well you see. Josie and Joey got in a little fight and my dad wasn't having it so he gripped too hard and threw her on the floor " and she goes back to talking about lipstick to Jasper. Zach tears up and I say " I'm fine " and I pull my hand back into my lap. We finish and jas and Jessie left for the mall.  I wanted to go too so we all went and they ditched us so it's just me and Zach. He looked at shoes and I made him go into bath and body works with me. We tried perfume and he held up a bright colored bottle and sprayed it in the air. He smelled it and said " Ooooo" I laugh and smell " IM BUYING THAT" I say and he hands me a bottle. I buy it and we walk out.  I see Blake with the girl from the morning when I held hands with Blake. She makes eye contact with me and I walk away with Zach. We go into Pac Sun and I look at the Kylie section while he looks at shirts. He holds up a dress and he looks disgusted. I buy some shorts and we walk to a guy store. He buys a adidas hoodie and some joggers. I buy myself some adidas joggers and then we leave. I order an uber for my house. We get in and out our bags in the floor. We ride listening to music.  I get a notification from twitter. It's a picture of Zach and I " New school couple?" And I reply " nope. Just friends, and don't take pictures of us without asking thanks".  We get to my house and I walk in. He follows me and I put my bags on my bed. He sits at my computer and looks up " Daniel Seavey straight up American Idol " I ask " who's Daniel Seavey?" And Zach gasps and says " he's a 15 year old singer. He's on American Idol and I want you to watch this!" He clicks on the vid and I sit on his lap as I watch

I watch in awe " I wish I could sing like that " Zach says and I say " you sing just as well as him! You just need to let your voice mature" he smiles and I get off his lap. I put away my new clothes. We go downstairs and I make us dinner.  We eat and watch a movie on my bed. Zachs mom texted him to go home so he left and I fell asleep. He left his hoodie here ' on accident ' so I slept in that.  I dream about this boy who's my sisters ex boyfriend.....

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