Him or You

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I wake up and get dressed in this

 I don't do my makeup and I put my hair in a messy bun

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I don't do my makeup and I put my hair in a messy bun. I walk downstairs and I grab a water. I leave the house and my sister follow. I skate ahead and they ride their bikes. I get to school first and I put my board and bag in the locker. The first bell rings and I grab my stuff and walk to first period. I sit down and the teacher says " NEW GROUPS. " the whole class goes to the front and she points to the first table. She calls " BLAKE, Ashley, Sasha, lee" then she calls everyone else. The last table " ZACH, JOSEPHINE, CAEBRA, MATT" I sit next to Zach and my knee hits his leg. The shock hits us both again " damn are you a lightning bolt?" I whisper and he laughs " no. " I smile and then we do our work. The bell rings and I go to the rest of my classes. Then lunch I sit down by myself. My sisters don't sit with me and Zach and Blake are with their friends. I don't feel like eating so I just sit there. I eat a little bit and drink some water. I look at Zach and then look away.

I look over to see Joey all alone. I stand up with my lunch and I walk over to her. I sit down and she looks up and smiles " sup loner " I joke and she laughs.... that damn laugh gets me every time. I laugh and then we both finish lunch and play argue about our favorite song " NO NO NO! That song is trash!!! " she says and I say " whattttt?!!?? No it isn't. I love mike stud!"

She continues " no! The Weeknd is the wayyy to gooo" I laugh and she tells me " sit next to me please " I stand and sit next to her. She puts an earbud in my ear and plays this song

I sing along and she smiles. I look up and I see her bright smile. Then I knew........ I was in love. I go to all my classes praying they go by quickly so I can see her again.... I don't know how she could make me feel this way she's my exs sister! I can't help it though.  I'm in love with this girl. I put in my headphones and I focus on my school work. Straight A's are hard to keep and I have them so I need to keep it that way.  I need to focus on school and my career before a girl.  It's either me or her.
I walk to my last period and she's already there " hey Josephine " I say and she smiles " hello Zachary " I laugh and I say " you can call me Zach " she laughs and says " you can call me Joey " I smile and we get started on science.  We finish early because we're smart, they let us out of class early so I go to my locker down the hall from hers.  She grabs her board and a pics of her long brown hair falls in front of her face. I smile at her and she winks at me.  I grab my bag and we walk together to the bus " sup kids " he says and we wave.  We sit down in the back and then the bell rings, kids fill the bus and she takes a headphone and puts one in my ear and one in hers. She goes to YouTube and looks up " Liar Jack Avery "

I listen while we ride. She sings quietly and I get lyrics in my head. I frantically grab a note pad and pen. I write them down. " there's not enough hours in a day, got no time to throw away " I keep thinking and I write it all down. She says " hey, it's my stop. " I let her out and she kisses my cheek before she goes. I get home and I immediately start working on a song. I play the piano and use my mac book to repeat it. Then the beats. I call her " hey want to show off your guitar skills?" She laughs and says " sure thing Herron " then she hangs up. I sing the lyrics out loud and tune the Guitar. My mom opens the door and says " he's upstairs working on music, have fun you two " and then I hear footsteps. She walks into the music room and I smile " here " I say and hand her the guitar. " okay what do I do " she asks and I play the beats " can you play something to match this " and she starts playing " try to strum faster " I say and she strums faster. I say " okay plug that in and play that exactly how you did it. And when you get a good spot to stop and start again do it. " she plugs it in and I start and so does she. I sing along and she smiles. I read the lyrics as I sing and record. " and I love you" then the beats start. " I didn't take you for shy side " I sing and she smiles wider " cuz it's so simple when I'm with you" I sing and she strums harder and passionate. I finish the song and she stops " THAT WAS AMAZING!" She yells and my mom comes in " what's amazing " I play the song and my mom tears up " aweee baby you need to post that!" I smile and I post it on YouTube. Joey stays for dinner and then I go up and look at the views " OH MY GOD " I yell and she runs in " what!!?" She screams and I pull her hand and it shocks us again but I don't care. She looks at the views " OH MY GOD!!!" She screams and I pick her up and hug her. I spin her around and she laughs " YOU DID IT ZACH!" She smiles and I pull her face and kiss her. The feeling of her lips send heat through my body and I pull away. " woah " she whispers and I laugh. She pulls me closer and plays the song. I sing along and so does she. " I always find you on my mind " she sings and my sister runs in " bubby!!!" She yells and I pick her up and sing to her. She laughs and smiles. Joeys phone rings and she walks out. I turn off my computer and take Reese out " okay. I'll come home. " she says into the phone and something in my heart falls. Reese runs into her room and joey says " I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow Zach " and she starts to walk away. I pull her arm and I hug her " thank you for helping me " I say and she smiles and kisses my cheek " anytime" then she walks downstairs. She leaves and I go back in my room and put my guitar away.
I get home and I take a picture for Instagram

 Had fun making a song with @ imzachherron Liked by imzachherron and 1254others

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Had fun making a song with @ imzachherron
Liked by imzachherron and 1254others....
I close my phone and fall asleep listening to Zachs song we made.

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