I Forgot

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We were in an uber, the tour ended and all of a sudden I hear Zach yell " JOSEPHINE " and jump to my lap.  Then next I know we're on the gravel road. Sirens sting my brain and I scream in pain, " ZACH " I scream in a scream that makes your blood curdle. He's laying a few feet away from me. Passed out.  The blood falls from my nose and I force myself to crawl to him.  I scream " ZACH WAKE UP" and he doesn't move.  I lay my head down and as the blood flows from me I whisper " I love you Zach " and it all goes black.

I wake up.  It's dark outside, I hear " SIR " and I shoot up " WHERE IS SHE " I scream as they strap me to the gurney " DONT MOVE " they yell and I start to cry " where is Josephine " and they say " She's in the ambulance. We're putting you in right now.  Calm down sir!" And I twist my head to see her there. Two doctors trying to control her bleeding " Fuck fuck fuck!!" I scream and then I feel a pinch in my leg.  They inject me with something and my body relaxes.  As the ambulance speeds off I grab Joeys hand and hold it tight.  She doesn't hold back " no please.  Don't die on me baby" and then my focus is on the doctors
" my name is Zachary Herron . She is Josephine Carter and her parents live in Los Angeles. My mother is Myta Herron and hers isn't alive her foster parents are Taissa Farmiga and her husband " they jot it all down and then we get to the hospital.  I get wheeled in and they put me in a room. They wheel Joey next to me and start working on me " NO.  HELP HER FIRST.  I DONT CARE ABOUT MYSELF I NEED HER ALIVE " I yell and they do so.  They stopped her bleeding and now she has to go get surgery.  While they're working on me I hear " LET ME BACK THERE YOU ASS CLOWN "
And then I'm comes Jonah Daniel Jack and Corbyn " ZACH!!" They yell and I yell " GUYS " and then a sting in my knee " FUCK" I scream and they pop my knee back in place. Next they finish up and say " okay, you seem okay.  Can you walk?" And I stand up " yeah.  Where Joey? " I say and the doctor says " in recovery " I hiss " well get me the fuck up there. " and Jonah laughs " All of us " they say and they help me get to her room.  I see her there lifeless.  " she will wake up soon but I don't know if she'll remember anything.  We had to remove a piece of fractured skull " and I feel my heart drop. 

Days go by

I haven't left her side. 
Then she wakes up

" Josephine?" I say and she looks up
" what??   Where am I.  Where's my mom.  " and taissa comes forward " Josephine... your in LA. With your boyfriend " and she looks confused " boyfriend?? Who's my boyfriend? " she asks and I take her hand " that's me Josephine "
She looks so lost.  

I wish I could take it all back.    

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