7. Not the only flower in your garden

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This chapter includes sensitive subjects, so I'd suggest you to not read this chapter if you are sensitive towards that kind of content. Read at your own risk.


Chapter 7: Not the only flower in your garden.

"How stupid of me; to think that I was the only flower in your garden."

Martina's pov

"Can I borrow a pen?" Jorge said for what was probably the hundredth time. I shook my head in annoyance and mentally groaned at his irritating behaviour.

He had been talking to me the whole time and it was getting really hard to focus on class for once. I mean how much effort does it take to shut the hell up?

"Stop talking, stop asking and let me focus on class, please and thank you." I waved him off as he chuckled and leaned on his chair, staring at me for a while without saying anything like some creepy stranger.

"What?" I let out, clearly frustrated as he shot me a grin in return.

"You're still angry at what I did in the morning, right?" He said as I looked away not knowing it was that obvious. I mean, It is kind of lame of me since I'm not practically his girlfriend but if he wanted this to work out he certainly needed to work a lot harder because right now, it felt like I was the only one willing to do this.

"You know, you talked so casually when you were flirting with Bianca or whatever her name is. It is so obvious that this isn't the first time you've complimented her like that."

"Bianca's a friend." Jorge said, still having that heart melting and perfect smile plastered on his face.

"Save the crap to someone else Jorge. She's so into you. It doesn't even take a genius to understand that." I crossed my arms over my chest and watched how Jorge's head tilted upwards when he chuckled again.

"What's so funny?"

"Just the fact that I never thought you would be that type of jealous girlfriend." I groaned at that and turned my focus back on the lesson and could see how Jorge was staring at me throughout the whole lesson.


I stormed out from the lesson not wanting to hear any more words from Jorge. I heard him call out my name several times after class finished but I walked faster and rounded a few corners to take the fastest way to my locker. I quickly took out my books for next period the second I had arrived and went away a few minutes later. All that time, I hadn't caught a sight of Jorge and mentally praised myself for managing to flee from him.

The rest of the day went on as usual, the only difference being Jorge's absence. Whenever I was in class, I'd either look on the seat beside me or read my messages, seeing that none of them were from Jorge. As much as I was dancing out of happiness in my head, picturing a perfect school day without his remarks or bad jokes, a part of me still wished he was here.

I had two more lesson before the school day would end and there was still no sight of him. I even asked Alex, Nico and all of his other friends but the last time they had seen him was in the morning - just like me.

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