14. Never letting you go

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First of all, I'd like to apologize to everyone for updating insanely late and I'd also like to thank everyone that is still willing to read my story despite the long wait. Sorry once again, love you guys <3


Chapter 14: Never letting you go

Martina's pov

"Leave me alone." I breathed out deeply, knowing that Jorge was right outside my bedroom door and that he could clearly hear me.

"I won't." He responded as I groaned and continued doing my homework. After five minutes of calming myself outside, in the cold weather, I'd returned home but locked myself up in my room since I wasn't in need of any company at the moment.

"I guess that the meaning of 'leave me alone' is too advanced for your brain to understand so I'll explain it in easier words ; piss off." I countered, the annoyance being clear in my tone as I finished my chemistry homework.

"Take it easy princess." Jorge said through the door as I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me at the moment.

"When will you go? You're distracting me." I said looking at the pile of homework waiting for me. "I get to hear that a lot, princess. However, my charm isn't intentional, it's just how I am." I could imagine him smirking like crazy right now.

"You're so into yourself it's unbelievable." I said taking a sip of my water bottle.

"Oh trust me there's only one person I'm more into than myself and she's talking to me at the moment." He flirted as I couldn't help but choke on my water. I coughed so much that he chuckled from the outside.

"Hey are you okay?" I could hear a hint of amusement as well as worry in his voice.

"I'm fine." I breathed out, thankful of the fact that he wasn't in the room so that he couldn't notice me blushing. For a while, he didn't say anything and two minutes of silence fell over us. I was beginning to think he'd gone to his room before the door slightly opened.

I watched as he made his way into my room and waved the keys to my room in front of me. "How did you get the keys to my room?" I asked him curious and confused as he chuckled.

"This room used to be mine until I was eight years old and decided to move to another room. I've always had the keys to it ever since." He said smirking as I sighed.

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes or your flirty remarks. It's really not the time." I said as he nodded and sat quietly on my bed.

"They'll be fine." He said as I turned away from him as he sighed.

"You know, my dad, he used to keep many secrets from me and mom." He began as I turned around and looked him in the eyes. For the first time ever, he'd gotten serious.

"Every time mom was away he'd come into the house total wasted with a girl next to him. He had so many affairs that I even lost count. I didn't know how to tell mom without hurting her and most of all because I didn't want to believe how big of a douchebag my father actually was. But I guess they always find out in one way or another, right?" He chuckled humorlessly.

"The thing is, the reason your parents aren't ready to tell you yet is probably because they have a dilemma figuring out ways of telling you." He said shooting me a small smile.

"I'm sorry, about your father." I said not knowing anything other to say as he nodded slightly.

"No need to, it's not your fault. It's all his."

"Is that the reason you moved?" I asked him as he looked at me, his eyes immediately darkening as he looked away.

"A part of it, yes." He shot me another sad smile. But then his attitude changed completely. "Anyway, you know that if you want to talk to someone I'm only a door away, quite literally." He said as I chuckled a little.

"Also remember, it is okay to cry. It doesn't make you weaker person, if anything, it makes you stronger." He reassured me and pulled me in for a hug.

I don't know what took over me at that moment but I couldn't help but wrap my hands around him and cry in his arms. It felt as if every tear I shredded represented one of my problems I was getting rid of every single time I cried. His arms felt safe somehow and I'd wanted to keep him this close forever but even I knew that nothing lasts forever.

When we broke the hug, I looked at him with red teary eyes. "I've a-always pushed you away, I don't know why you keep standing beside me each time." I said stunned at his tolerance and patience as he looked at the ground.

"I made thousands of mistakes in my life but leaving you behind was my biggest regret." He said looking me in the eyes as I played with my hands to get rid of the tension in the air.

"I left so much behind me and it felt like I was leaving my whole life and jumping inside a brand new. It was weird and I hated it. It was as if everything had changed until I met Katy once again. She reminded me of home, she reminded me of everything I'd ever wanted. We slowly developed feelings for one another and fell in love and I really loved her until one day she kept pushing me away. She continued doing that for months and I got enough of it. I told her that if I was the only one wanting our relationship to work than it wasn't meant to be."

"That is one thing I regretted the minute her parents called me and told me she'd done overdose. My world was spinning and everything was blurry. Hours after that, she died because they couldn't get the drugs out of her body." I took a hold of his hand and squeezed it as a sign of comfort.

"I was dumb for not understanding her motives before leaving her. She had so much problems in her life but I couldn't even notice that." He looked up and let out a sigh.

"That is one mistake that had cost me a life and it is one I will never redo again. Therefore, I will never let you go even though you push me away." We locked eyes, and it felt like we were the only one's remaining in the entire world.

"I will stay for as long as I'm alive." A couple of seconds passed by and no one uttered a word. I wanted to believe in him but I couldn't. I know how much people got hurt when they were around me for too long and I don't want him to be a part of those people.

"Why are you telling me this?" I said ignoring his gaze and letting go of his hand as he smiled that sad smile of his.

"Because I'm never letting you go."

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