3. Perfectly broken | part 2

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Chapter 5 : Perfectly broken | part 2

"The worst kinda of pain is when you're smiling just to stop the tears from falling."

Martina's pov

"Are you sure about this?" Mechi said as I looked outside the window for a while before I turned around to face her with a nod.

I had told Mechi to drive me to Jorge's house since I was too curious to let it slide. I had waved her goodbye when I got out from the car. The cold breeze hit me the second I stepped outside the car and I shivered. My jacket wasn't suited for the weather and it was freezing outside.

With hasty steps I made it to the front door and knocked on it carefully. While waiting outside, I heard screams from inside the house and couldn't help but wonder who that voice belonged to since it felt so familiar. I then touched the door knob only to see that it was open.

I mentally praised myself and got inside the house. That's when I noticed how all the lights were out expect the one in the living room. My gaze fell to the floor and that's when I saw the wet stains on the carpet leading to the living room but It was hard pinpointing what it was.

"Why did you come? Why can't you just leave us alone for once! We don't want you here, get it?!" The voice this time was loud and clear. I knew that it was Jorge but what I didn't know was who he was telling that to?

He hadn't noticed me coming and I wasn't even inside the living room for him to see me, but then who was it?

"I have the right to be here, after all this is my home too! This person son, is not my daughter, she's a disgrace to this family! She doesn't have our blood in her veins, therefore I have all the right in the world to do this!"

Son? Daughter? Disgrace? Family? What was I missing?

I then came closer to have a look at their faces but failed when I managed to tread on one of Mia's toys making a loud noise. "Crap!" I swore under my breath making everyone in the living room turn silent.

Please don't notice!

It felt like all that pleading was useless the minute someone got out from the living room and stared at me. The hazel eyes were quite familiar and it felt like I had seen them before. The only difference this time was that they were filled with hatred and that the hair was much darker than usual.

Jorge's father?

"Oh you're Martina, Mr and Mrs Stoessel's child right? Nice to finally meet you. I apologize sincerely that we never got the opportunity to sit down and get to know each other. It's such an unpleasant way to meet each other in this unwelcoming situation. I hope that you won't mind much and do as you're told and be kind to leave us alone."

That was the first time I'd ever heard someone being that harsh in such a formal way. Note the fact that he's having a half broken whisky bottle in his hands.

"She's not going anywhere and you don't get to boss her around since you have no freaking right to do that." Jorge's eyes were flashing with anger and his fists were clenched. Mia was behind him hiding while tears streamed down her face. Jorge's mom was on the couch, her hands on her face as I noticed her bruised arm.

Jorge's father picked me up and threw me against Jorge. "Yeah, yeah, I'm not after your girlfriend or whatever she is son, I'm just going to teach your mother a lesson and Mia will just tag along." He smiled wickedly as I blinked twice not believing the sight in front of me.

"She won't!" Seconds later Jorge had pushed his father on the wall and had taken the bottle out of his hands.

"Stop doing this to her. . . she's just a child." Jorge's voice was cracking up and I felt Mia's hands hold my jeans. I looked at her and saw how terrified she was.

"Is daddy. . . . does daddy want . . . to hurt me?" She said hiccuping as I picked her up from the floor and wiped away her tears.

"No, Mia, you're amazing and so beautiful inside and out. Nobody wants to hurt you. Let's just go to bed and forget about this nightmare." I took Mia to her room and put her in the bed.

She held my hands and did her best to sleep. I told her stories about me when I was a child and other things to make her forget about the incident today. When I noticed that she was calm and had closed her eyes, I decided it was time for me to leave her. Just when I was about to go outside, I heard her say something from behind.

"I know . . . that daddy wants to hurt me . ." She said and just when I turned around, she closed her eyes again, probably pretending to sleep. My heart broke inside at that moment. No child should've go through all that hate from their parent. This was insane on a whole other level.

When I returned to the living room, I had noticed that Jorge's father was gone, blood was still on the floor and I already knew that it was Jorge's and Jorge's mother's blood. They both were bruised but Jorge's mother was quick to
cover it up by running to the nearest toilet. Jorge on the other hand, stood in the middle of it all, his hands shaking.

I went up to him and made him look into my eyes. His eyes were red but there was no signs of tears. I knew that he'd been holding the tears inside him for long so I did something I never thought I'd do, but then again this was something I never expected to happen. I stood on my toes and laid my arms around him. Jorge leaned down and started crying while I held him in my arms. We stood like that for a while before I sat down on the couch and he followed and continued crying, his whole body aching.

My tears was on their way but I was fast to blink them away. Tears was my other weakness because I could cry whenever someone else cried.

Just then I felt eyes on us and looked up only to see Mia's gaze on us.

In that precise moment I knew that the facade Jorge was putting on ; the whole 'carefree' act, the smiles he flashed everyone and the jokes he made were all fake. It was all a character Jorge really wanted himself to be.

Who knew that the Jorge Blanco, the hottest and happiest guy in school was perfectly broken.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!

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