8. (Not) My meant to be

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Chapter 8: (Not) My meant to be

"He wants to say I love you. But keeps it to goodnight. Because love means falling and she's afraid of heights."
- r.i.d

Martina's pov

I woke up with a major headache. I quickly changed my position in my bed and touched my forehead with my hand only to see that it was burning hot. I sighed at that, immediately knowing that I had a fever.

Seconds after, Jorge stormed inside the bedroom, probably wondering why I hadn't showed up downstairs yet. I don't know what he saw in me but he somehow managed to know that I was sick.

"You'll stay right?" He leaned against the door-frame as I nodded before adding ; "Yeah."

"Great, I'll join you." He said and sat down on the chair besides my bed and locked eyes with me.

"You'll what?" I couldn't believe the words he just said and needed some kind of confirmation.

"Join you. I feel like skipping school today anyway."

"Have you told your mother yet?" Knowing his mother, she would be worried to death if she found out Jorge hadn't showed up in any of his classes.

"No but what's the fun in that? I haven't skipped my classes in ages and I really need a reason to."

"Oh so I'm only a reason for you to skip school." He smiled at that coming closer to my bed with an amused smile playing on his lips.

"What? You wanted to become more?"

"Oh shut up." I threw the pillow straight at his face and this time he didn't catch it but it went straight for his face. I mentally fist-bumped myself, happy that I finally got him.

Jorge chuckled and tossed the pillow back which I caught and placed on my bed as we both got out from my bedroom and headed downstairs.


"This doesn't look like it's supposed to Jorge." I said laughing and looked at burned pancakes on my plate as Jorge's cheeks turned into slight pink.

"Well . . it doesn't look that bad." He said as I chuckled once again before picking it up and mentioned for him to eat it.

"You don't think it's burned right? Eat it then." I said as he took my hand and put it down, before shaking his head.

"There's no way I'm trying that."

"Yeah but you insisted that it didn't look burned then why don't you taste it?"

"Because I never said I would consider eating it." He said as it was the most obvious thing ever as I rolled my eyes and put the pancake down on the plate.

"You know, since we both suck at cooking food, we could just order some food and get it delivered." I said as Jorge thought for a while before shaking his head.

"Yes, we could always order some food but it wouldn't be fun. Now let's try this again and hopefully this time it will be eatable." He said as I laughed as we continued trying.

Rejecting LoveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora