6. Charmingly annoying

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Chapter 6: Charmingly annoying

"He's annoying, he's hilarious, he makes me yell, he drives me crazy, he's out of his mind, but he's everything I want

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"He's annoying, he's hilarious, he makes me yell, he drives me crazy, he's out of his mind, but he's everything I want."


Martina's pov

"Come on beautiful, I'm not going to wait for you all day!" He shouted from outside as I took all my things in a hurry before getting into the car.


"Stop with what?" He asked me confused as I shot him the usual 'are you serious?' look which he chuckled at but still didn't seem to get it so I said it instead.

"Stop calling me beautiful."

"I can't promise that."

"Why not?" I crossed my arms over my chest waiting for a good explanation and not some flirty remark from him.

"Because you'll get used to it. After all, we need to make the fake dating believable right?" I rolled my eyes at that.

Oh so now he was using that as an excuse to call me nicknames. Great just great.

"Anyway, when people ask about how me met and how we fell in love - or whatever - don't answer to that question at all because we might say different versions." I reminded him as he nodded.

Jorge then put on his seatbelt and waited for me to take on it as well. When I was done, he held on the gas and we were off to school.


When we arrived, Jorge got out from the car and rushed out to the other side of the car, only to open the door for me like a gentleman. I wasn't shocked the slightest bit since he always does those kind of things, it was starting to become a habit of his. I then noticed the cheeky smile he had plastered on his face the whole process as I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him.

He suddenly took my hand and intertwined
our fingers together. I felt a jolt in my body but ignored that fact like I had the other days. It was starting to become as normal as the opening-doors-for-me thing. Another thing that was quite normal too was Jorge's huge fanclub - that by the way only consisted of squealing girls - gathering around us, shooting me all kind of weird looks.

They didn't seem to get the idea of us dating and took every chance they had flirting with him and coming closer to him only to piss me off. And I can admit, it certainly worked. They would probably soon destroy our whole fake dating thing but I didn't bother doing anything other than just roll my eyes at them.

"Jorge you're so handsome today!" One of the
girls, I figured was called Bianca, said placing her hands on his chest. I let out a snort at that as Jorge couldn't help but chuckled. He seemed very uncomfortable with the whole situation but didn't do anything. Instead he complimented her like I was some kind of ghost standing beside him. "You look extremely amazing today. That skirt really compliments your eyes." No wonder people thought he was charming, he always knew how to charm his way out of situations.

He just kept flirting with his fanclub as all of them giggled every single time he opened his mouth. It was starting to get on my nerves so I yanked his hand and pushed all the girls at the side, to step inside the school.

"Seriously? The first thing you do is to flirt with other girls?" I shot him a death glare. "We are supposed to make the fake dating believable right?" I mocked him, using the same tone he did this morning.

But before he could say anything further, the bell rang and at first I thought of just walking away from him without saying anything, but considering the fact that everyone had their eyes on us I figured it wouldn't be the best choice to make.

I had no other choice than to brush it off so that it wouldn't look like I minded it at all. After all, we had a reputation to keep in mind.

"Bye." I said getting on my toes and kissed him on the cheek. Jorge wrapped his arms around me at that as he let go a few seconds later.

"See you later, beautiful." And with that we went opposite ways leaving the crowd watching us, speechless hoping that this time they'd buy it.


At lunch, I sat with Jorge's friends including mine. Everyone in the table was practically staring at us - without my friends since they all smirked, knowing what was really going on. I had noticed that Jorge hadn't told his friends about us fake dating yet, which I find really odd.

Not that I cared much, all of them were players so they were pretty much already familiar with the idea and doing it on daily basis. The only difference was at least me and Jorge knew that it was all a game but for them it was one-sided.

"This is Jared, Davis, Louis, Zac, Samuel, Nico and Alex." Jorge said mentioning to them one by one.

"This is Facundo but I figured you've already met him." Jorge said his voice bitter as I noticed how Facundo smirked at me as he continued eating his food.

"And this is Martina, my girlfriend." Jorge finished off as most of them nodded without Facundo of course who kept giving us the same looks I received this morning.

"Nice to meet you." Alex said who seemed to be
the polite one. I hadn't heard anything about him being a player so at least he was decent.

"Sup'." Jared and Davis said at the same time as they kept talking to each other again. They were definitely the players I heard about.

"Uhm hi or whatever." Louis said. I was honestly not even surprised since everyone knew about him being an arrogant jerk.

The boy I think is called Nico then smacked the back of Louis's head. "Ignore him, he's usually in a bad mood. It's great to meet you." Nico said shooting me a smile as I smiled back at him. Another decent one.

"It was about damn time Jorge got himself a girlfriend." Samuel winked at me as I chuckled a little.

"I finally met someone that isn't dumb as everyone else on this table. It's very nice meeting a normal human being again." Zac said as I couldn't help but laugh at that. I'd heard a few things about him being a player too but after meeting him like this it all seemed to be rumors.

"It has been a long time babe." I couldn't help but cringe at Facundo's words as Jorge squeezed my hand and glared at him. They definitely had some kind of past together, I thought. But then I brushed those thoughts off
and continued talking to Jorge's friends, trying to learn them better.

I really didn't imagine most of them to be chill with me. They didn't even bother asking questions about our relationship which made it all more comfortable.

And now I can't help but think that everything will turn out to be fine and that no one would suspect anything. But little did I know that it was lies and that something awful was about to come.


What do you think about this chapter? Comment down your thoughts because I love reading them! ❤️ (:

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