1. Starting Over

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Chapter 1: Starting Over

"She is fire and ice. You'll fear the cold and crave the burn."

Martina's pov

The place was crowded and the air was bad. People were pushing each other at the sides with their elbows causing other people to lose their balance and fall to the floor. Everyone was having hard time walking past the huge crowd or picking up their books from the floor, expect for me.

You see, being one of the popular students really had it's advantages. Getting everything you'd ever dreamed of, was just one of the many things, but it hasn't always been like that.

I had always been the normal teenage girl with a couple of friends, until things changed. Some say that it did for the better but honestly, with the days passing by, I'd say that it did for the worse.

Every move I took was constantly being watched by the other's. I couldn't talk to specific people, needed to be in certain places and everyone I met needed to be one of the popular. One wrong action or one scandal was enough for my entire reputation to go up in reek.

Imaging being at the edge of a cliff and having people pushing you closer to the depth, every time you said or did the wrong thing. Imagine seeing how some willingly jumped down from the cliff, other's get pushed off and the remaining – tolerating the pushes while they watched how their life slowly drained away. That's what it felt like to be one of the popular.

Everything you have or love, will be used against you. The rumors will tear apart any relationship you have with someone that's not one of the popular. This causes many unhappy people and other's to get heartbroken, and in the very end, we all want the same thing.


The word felt strange, even in my mind. It was an emotion, a feeling, I hadn't felt for a very long time. Even if sometimes, I did smile and laugh and chuckle, it still didn't feel like the happiness I felt before.

"Hey, you okay?" The voice felt familiar, almost too familiar. I got cut of my thoughts and looked at Jorge, standing in front of me.

"Leave me alone." My words were bitter, harsh and cold. They were unwelcoming and made students feel uncomfortable around me, well everyone expect my friends. And now, Jorge.

He was still standing there, even after I had particularly scared him away. I took out my books from my locker, put them in my bag and slung the bag over my shoulder, still he was there watching it all happening in front of him.

"What do you want?"

"I want to talk." He said rubbing the back of his neck while slightly chuckling making his dimples appear. "Actually. . . I just want to ask you something." He blurted out as I gave him a 'go on' look as he took a deep breath before continuing.

"Today, you skipped breakfast. Yesterday night, you took pills to not feel any pain and the day you moved in, you never ate anything other than salad before you went up to your room and slept."

"I'm pretty sure that's called stalking." He chuckled at my words, shaking his head a little.

"It's called observing, but anyway, I noticed how you've been eating less, so are you possibly starving yourself?" He finished off, and I'd have to admit that I was a little surprised of how fast he got it, but still, I didn't understand why this was any of his business.

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