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Mom died when I was 13. Clearly, it was the worst pain I've ever felt.
She was kind, fair, loyal, and pretty. She wouldn't mind about me being bisexual. She would say, "Honey, I love you no matter what your sexuality is. You're still my son," and kiss me on my forehead and buy me McDonalds or Chipotle to make me feel better. She'd probably even find me a guy.
She died at 42 in a car wreck.
When I first heard the news, I was I like "nah", but then I saw her in the hospital still as a statue. My heart dropped. My life was over. I was done. 100% done with life.
My kin.
My world.
My dad and Henry were just destroyed.
Michael and Chris cried like babies; my mom was basically their mom, too. I would cry if one of their parents died, too.
Burrying her was a disaster. I lost it.

R.I.P., gorgeous.

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