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Next Saturday, Elliott and I went walking again. I really wanted us to get somewhere already. As we got tired, we sat down on a bench.
Then he asked,"Thomas, do you have a crush on any guys?"
I wanted to say 'Yes, on you.' kiss him and get it over with, but instead, I said "No."
"Are you sure?"
I sighed. "Okay, fine. I do."
Fuck. My belly ached.
"I won't tell you their name," I said, as I took off my jacket. "I'll tell you this. He is the sweetest, funniest, most adorable I have ever met. He makes feel some type of way. Like every time I see them, I just...want them to be mine."
"Is it Michael?" he asked.
"Just checking," he giggled. "You guys have a special bond and they're the only two guys you're close with."
"That doesn't mean I want them to fuck me like there's no tomorrow," I chuckled.
He laughed, then said, "Well whoever this guy is, he's a lucky guy. I hope everything goes well with you two."
Someone please hit me with a truck.
"I wish someone felt that way about me," he continued.
Anyone? Anyone with a sixteen wheeler?
I turned to him."Who are you crushing on?"

He looked at me deep in the eyes and said, "You."

My face went blank. Did he just say that? Or am I dreaming?
He grabbed my chubby cheek. His hands were so soft and warm. His icy green eyes were like a fan.
He leaned in.
Wait. Hold up. What was happening.
He closed his eyes. His lips puckered.
Finally, they touched on my lips!
My heart beated. My lungs were out of control. My brain went numb. His arms went around my shoulders as mine went around his waist. His tounge touched mine. If you saw us, you would have thought that it was a porno.
He seperated from me and said, "Umm, I have to go."
"K," I said as I wrapped my arms off of him. He got up and went home.
The smile on my face wouldn't leave. He...He kissed me! My huge crush kissed me!! I....I didn't expect.....
Am I dreaming?! Am I even breathing?! I took a deep breath and watched him go. What. Is. Happening??? My first kiss with a boy....
I couldn't move.
Finally, I snapped out of it and went home.

I can't hide it anymoreTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang