Place to Stay

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"Where do we go?" Henry asked for the tenth time.
"I don't know," I replied for the tenth time. We had two suitcases and backpacks. I packed $2000.
"I'm hungry," Henry whined.
"I am, too," I agreed.
"Can we get Mcdonalds?"
"It's too windy out here,"Henry complained. "It's messing up my hair."
"Henry, shut up!" I snapped. "I didn't bring you along to be complaining."
"Can you explain to me why we're running away?" Henry asked.
I sighed."When I told Dad that I'm bisexual, he said all this very hurtful stuff. I can't be around someone like that."
"Really?" said Henry. "Gosh, Tom. I'm sorry. Well, how long are we going to be away?"
"Until he learns to deal with my bisexuality," I replied.
"That could take forever," Henry argued.
"Well, then," I said. "We're gonna have to find a place to get comfy in. Hope I find enough applications."
We stopped at a Mcdonalds near by and ate there, hoping no one we knew would spot us. After that, we kept walking. I could barely see because the wind kept blowing hard into my eyes. Then, I heard a deep, agressive voice yell, "Hey, gimmie yo money!"
I heart pounded. "Run!"
Henry and I speeded away from the strange man. I spotted a large building (that I couldn't see what it was.)
"Henry, get inside!" I ordered as we ran in. I shut the door and sighed of relief. As my eyes calmed down, I realized we were in an apartment.
"Perfect," I said, smiling. "We can stay here."
"I still think we should just go home," Henry suggested.
"I think we should suck some ass," I sassed. "Let's find our place to stay."
"Hello?" A mysterious voice said.
The hair on my arms stood up.
"Who's there?"
"Me and my brother," Henry replied.
I smacked my forehead. "Henry! Shut the f-"
A man walked up to us.
"Are y'all looking for a place to stay?" He asked.
"Great," he said. "Follow me."
Hesitately, we followed.
"Here you go," he said, opening the door.
He turn on the light. There was a nice couch, nice furniture, nice kitchen. It looked pretty awesome.
"Woah, cool!" Henry exclaimed.
"That will be $1000," he said with his hand out. As I gave it to him, Henry and I walked inside in awe.
"This is so cool," Henry said. "This is better than our house."
"Still thinking about goin back home?" I asked.
"Go to bed," I said, yawning. "We'll buy some stuff tomorrow.
All night, I couldn't stop thinking about Dad. Why? Why did he react like that? Why did he have to call me that word? I'm so done with him. Fucking jerk. Will he change his mind? If so, he has serious apologizing to do. He should do my homework for me for the rest of the year or let me stay out more in return for what he said. Something. I don't know. But I know he won't since parents do that thing where they—not my parents, but parents in general— abuse their children physically, verbally, mentally, and/or emotionally, then act like nothing happened the next day. It's concerning.... or is it just me? Well...unless Dad apologizes and accepts and supports me, that's not my dad anymore.

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