Chapter 9: saving wendy's guild ♣

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then hibiki told the other t pick a tunnel but number one because that was where I was Natsu picked 2 ,Gray number 3 , Lucy 4, Erza 5 and Wendy number 6 and we went are ways into the tunnels to the orbs and I found the orb in my tunnel and the real Brain so I had to fight my way and the others were waiting for me to do the rest of the job, when I finish Brain and I was almost out of my magic power and they know and we said out our attacks ....



Gray: Ice-make lancer

Lucy: open gate of the golden bull Tories


Erza: sword wheel

And the place was falling down and I tried my best to get out but failed and the place was coming down fast and I was trapped inside the building and I heard someone yelling my name and I looked up to see Happy and I yelled to him and he helped me get out and we went to the other and found Natsu talking to Erza and Jellal and I went to them and even hugged Jellal with everyone looking then I told them the same story but with Jellal's ears covered when I finish telling them I uncovered his ears, then some people came up to use from outside the barrier and told use to give them Jellal but I had a tight grip on him and half point I think his name is and he went up to them and told use not to worry about it then they pointed at Jellal and he told me to let go but I didn't want lose my brother again then he yelled at me and I let go and I started to cry and he told me not to and he hugged me and said not to worry and that he well be back soon and I just hope that he will when he walked to them but this time I wouldn't let it drop and everyone tried to hold me down but that didn't stop me from running at them and yelled at the top of my lungs . when I stopped yelling I fell to my knee's and I remember I was out of energy and fell backward from my knee's and Jellal came at me and said my name and I open my eyes to see him and I smiled and hugged him at the same time and said I love you as a brother Jellal and they just looked at me the guards but that didn't stop them they took my brother and I went back to the others and they saw the hurt in my eyes and we went to Wendy's guild and I felt something not right then the master came out and told us the truth and that Cat-shelter doesn't edict and I looked at Wendy and that her mark on her arm went away so we brought her to Fairy tail and everyone welcomed her with open arms but I wasn't in the guild I was on top of the tower on the guild and looking at the sky. when I came down it was night and I went straight to my house and found Natsu , Gray , Erza , Lucy ,Happy and even Wendy, so I asked them on what they were doing here so they told me that they came to cheek up me and I said I was fine but they knew that I wasn't and the next day I did the same thing that I did yesterday everyone saw me up there and yelled at me but I was lost in thought at that moment . when I came down and into the guild to find Natsu and Gray fight but I didn't fell like stopping them this time I just sat down instead and everyone walked over to me and I looked at them and they all knew how I felt then master came up to me and gave me a letter from someone and I kept on looking at it then someone told me to open it but I didn't want to right now so I'll open it at home so that way no one had to hear me cry, when I got home I open the letter and it was from Jellal and it said.....

Dear Sister I'm writing you this letter because I won't be back to see you anytime soon because I have a lot of things to do for the magic console and that would mean a whole year for what I have done to magnolia and to the console and help rebuild the whole place and who know I might get my spot on the console back so in the mean time please try your best not to cry when I'm not there and please don't show this to anyone even Erza and I love you as a sister and a good friend so good bye till then From your brother Jellal.

after I finished reading the letter I put it under my pillow and went to sleep while crying from what I just read , I woke up I took a long shower and got changed and went to the guild and when I walked through the doors I didn't look at anyone and went to the roof to think about the letter and I really wanted to see him but it looks like I have to wait a whole year just to see him , when I came back do and I looked at everyone and they looked down and I went to the board and I gadded a job and went to the door but didn't plan on coming back from the job for a while . and almost half a month had passed but I came back in one peace when I came into the guild everyone came at me and hugged me really tight then they stopped hugging me so I could breath and talk at the same time which in my case didn't work and once again my feet were freeze sand I looked at Gray and Froze him in an iceberg and Natsu laughed at that and I started to and I know that Juvia was behind me so I did the same to her seen her body is made of water then I put the together then I undid the ice make by using fire and Natsu helped me and we got Gray and Juvia at the same time then I asked what I mist but Natsu told me that I didn't miss much this time. When I went home I found a note on my desk and I looked at it funny and it was from Natsu and he was asking me out on another date and I smiled and went to see if I could find him and it was not easy but I went to there house and found it a mess so I cleaned it up before they got back and left him a note that said yes to his question and left and went back to my house and went to sleep and woken up at 7:00 in the morning and stayed at home for one day to write some new song and finish my book!

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