chapter 12:bad day for Callet

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I guess i was falling out of my bed because I let out a little scream and they came running and put me back into my bed but before they left Lucy put her hand on my forehead and said that I was back to normal so I got up an got change into my clothes an went to the guild and hope that I don't see water come at me and which it did but it was really little and Juvia splashed the water and I turned to her and hit her really hard across the face. then the guild doors open and a person with blue hair came in so I walked up to him and asked for a name and he said that it was Jellal and I just looked at him same with Erza and he asked for mine so I said Callet and he pulled me into a hug and wouldn't let me breath so my eyes started to close and they did and when I open them I see the others and my big bro but before I started to talk I was beat to it by Natsu and he showed me a letter and started to read and it was to me but not from Jellal so I asked where he got it and I guess he didn't hear me and continue to read but stops when it said from Callet and that shocked me. they looked at me and I didn't answer I just ran out the door and didn't turn around but just kept on running and not looking back to my house and to them then I bump into someone so I say sorry to them but I got nocked out but I heard yelling and it sounded like either Natsu or Gray I couldn't tell but if it was them are not because I couldn't open my eyes at that moment but when I did I saw my friends looking at me with there worried eyes as I try to sit up but of corse I was told what to do and that was to sleep till morning and in my case I can't sleep with out thinking about someone. When morning came I got up and went to the bathroom and took a pretty long shower then I got changed and went to the guild and I found everyone looking a me and I was wearing the dress again but I gave everyone a mean glare and they don't bother me about it so I walk over to Natsu and the others and started to talk. when I got up I saw some ice coming my way so I shoot fire back at who ever was doing it and it turned out to be gray so I summoned a sword and did a flame straight at him and I felt a hand go on my shoulder and it turned out to be Natsu but I brushed it off and grabbed a job and went to the door and meant up with mistagain and went on this one for almost a whole year and it was almost my birthday in 4 day's but I still had to defeat this monster and once again it takes all my magic energy but I was stronger this time and yet I felt week but when I get back home I got a surprised by natsu and them and they gave me a pretty long hug but not to tight this time. When morning came I get ready and headed to the guild and I walked up to the board and grabbed a job and left and yet my b-day is tomorrow and I planed on missing it and it was also the day my mom and dad died but I never knew why and Jellal never talked much about them will at lest some of my memory is coming back to me. As I look down at the paper I noticed something very odd about it but I didn't care really I just didn't won't to be at the guild on my birthday at all. when I stopped in a town everyone was screaming because of a monster so I looked at the paper again and found out it was the monster I'm too kill so I cut off its head but not in the town. the towns people gave me it's horn so i caried it all the way home but took the long rout just as i reach magnolia it was 12:00 in the morning so i tough i have to dodge my frineds and Natsu. when i got to the guild i dropped off the horn then went to my place and went to sleep till it was 6pm then natsu and the others came in my room and woke me up so i put on a fake smile but natsu could see right throw that smile and asked on whays wrong i didn't want to answer him so i told them that i came home late last night so they stay at my please for a whole night. when I woke up I found a note on my desk, so I went into the washroom took my shower then got change into my t-shit and brown shorts and headed to the guild and didn't do anything but sit at the bar and drink watermelon juice which in my case was good. when I got up from where I was someone tapped my shoulder so I turned around to find Natsu and happy so I asked if I could help them and they just grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door an would not stop running, I got pretty mad but I didn't want to take it all on Natsu or anyone. they would not let go of my hand till we stop running so i asked them on why they dranged me all the way out here and not one answer came from them so i turned around and was about to walk away but Natsu grabbed my hand and......



He took my hand and pulled me really close and whispered in my ear so i grabbed his hand and ran back to Magnolia as fast as we could but when we got there the whole town was diseapering right infront of our eyes and i went along with it.but i blacked out.

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