Chapter 13

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He took my hand and whispered in my ear then I grabbed his hand and ran back to magnolia just as it was disappearing and I went along with it I could hear Natsu saying my name but after that it went black, when I woke up I found myself in a place that I remember as a kid but that was it then a cat came in and it talked too like Carla and Happy. I said his name and he looked at me very happily and also hugged me then said the queen would like to see me so I followed chap to the throne room. when I got there I was welcomed by the Queen and we talked for a bit then Carla and Happy walked into the room and I wanted to run to them but that was not in my nature the queen said. I had this strains feeling like something bad was going to happen, then it hit me when I saw Erza nightwalker I grabbed Carla and happy and ran out the doors and to edalos. When we got there I had to stop at one place so I asked happy on where he saw the fairy tail guild here and he said the desert so I went there, but before I went inside I put up my hood then walked in and I could tell that edo Lucy and edo levy were fighting again then someone bumped into me then I saw a hand so I took it then I was face to face with edo Natsu then Lucy came over to me and I saw Natsu shaking so I tried my best to hold back a laugh but I just couldn't so I put my hands to my mouth.

EDO Lucy- hey what are you doing in our guild

Me- wow I'm surprised Lucy that you don't remember me

EDO Natsu- w.h.o a.r.e y.o.u

So I pulled my hood down and the whole guild went quiet and they all looked at me like I was a ghost that was till Lucy started to talk.....

EDO Lucy- calenta is that you

Me- yeah it's me Lucy (Gives a smile)

EDO Lucy- why are you here Calenta aren't you the princess

Me-yes but I have to help my friends first before they get hurt

They just looked at me funny same with Carla and Happy so I made something with my power and gave it to Lucy and Natsu and they just looked at me so I told them what it was and they smiled at me. when I left the guild I went straight to the town and found Gajeel , Erza and Gray so I have Gray and Erza some of these things that mistagin gave me so I told happy to go with Gajeel to the lackama while Gray,Erza and Carla follow me to the castle then we ran into our Lucy so I gave her the same thing then I moved on to finding Natsu and Wendy that was till I heard a scream so I followed it. the scream lead me to Natsu and Wendy so I gave Natsu some of my fire and Wendy some air Wendy was the first to wake up but Natsu he just stayed still so I have him a kiss and he kissed me back, when we got out of that room I went to my bedroom and found it the same as when I left but the clothes changed to my size right as I tried them on. When I walked out of my room I bumped into coco and she gave me a hug then started to run off so I did the same, then we came to the throne room and I found my father and he had my friends so I was really mad so I made myself a flame ball and throw it on the ground and told my friends to run ten we hopped on this beast thing and headed to the lackama. When we got there I saw Gajeel and lily fighting so coco yelled out to them but they didn't hear her so I did it but tears were coming out

Me- Lily please stop please

Lily- huh, princess you have return

And just like that it went quiet too quiet for my taste that was till I heard a gun shot and it hit lily so I screamed his name but he didn't move so I looked at what he was looking at and found Mistagan so I called out to him and he smiled and waved at me that was until Lily fell so I screamed then i saw mistagan fall so i kept on screaming that was till what ever hit them hit me and i began to fall and i didn't have time to make ice wings. i felt a hand on my shoulder so I opened my eyes to see Natsu so i hugged him really tight but i let go so he could breath I noticed Gajeel and Wendy beside him so I said hi and they said it back that was until the ground began to move and the sound of my fathers voice filled the area.

Me- Father stop this

Dad- Never and you are the princess but yet you don't act like one

Me- why should i you sent me to earth land for doing magic in my room and you sent my brother there to

then my dad hit me and i went flying and banged my head on a tree when i open my eyes i saw Panther lily and my brother so they helped me up and we walked into the castle and i saw what Mistagan was doing so lily and I tried to talk him out of it but he wouldnt listen to me or lily then clapper came into the room and told the tree of us to come outside so we followed him and we stopped on the ledge and the towns people looked at me and mistagan some remembered me but not him just then i saw fire come into the air then screams. that was till i saw Natsu,Wendy and Gajeel,

me and mistagan- NATSU STOP IT

natsu- who dares talk to me

me- that does it

i was about to jump of the raylings and run at them but mistagan and lily stopped me from doing that so i just stayed still for a bit then clapper told us that he heard are conversation and found so then mstagan jumped off the railings so i jumped after him. after i jumped i felt someone grab me so i look up to find lily and behind him was coco, erza nightwalker,sugarboy and heus so i said hi to them and they bowed and i told not to do that even when i was young. so they pulled me back up so i watched the battle between Natsu and Mistagan when it ended i ran outside and gave my real brother a hug then i made something quick and gave it to mistagan and gave it to him then i saw natsu and ther others starting to disapear and i a long with them.

just as we landed in earthland i fell backward and blacked out i could fell hands on me but i couldnt open my eyes to see my friends but when i did i was natsu looking down at me so i gave him a smile and he huged me then lily came out of the bushes with someone and i saw something on Natsu face which was shocked so i looked closely to the girl and i found out that it was lisunna so i got up from where i was and walked over to her and gave her a hug and untired her hands and she hugged me back then we walked to the chruch and i saw the happy face on maria and elfman so i walked home and jumped on my bed and went to sleep. when morning came i just stayed home and went back to sleep that was till Natsu came into my room so that woke me up i just looked into his face he kept on smiling at me so i smiled back and he huged me really tight and he whispred in my ear he told me to go back to sleep and he followed me but i didn't care

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