Chapter 11: on the road to power

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As I was walking through towns I came upon a shop that had books so I went inside and found my book that I finished not that long ago but yet I bought it and was about to send it to Lucy but I stopped myself when I turned to the first chapter and found something on the floor and I though that it came from the book then I noticed that it had my name on it, so I opened it and found the word love your big brother and that's how I knew it was from him. I stopped and sent up my tent in the park and started to close my eyes and fell asleep but wake up and packed everything up and headed for the train station and found someone with pink hair and a blue flying cat , so I went right behind them and tapped his shoulder and he turn around and I saw the shock on his face so I asked for his name and he said Natsu,and he asked for mine and I said Callet and he kept on looking at me like I was a ghost or something same with happy . I kept on repeating there names at them then Natsu grabbed my hand and took me on the train that leads back to Magnolia and I looked at him and I think he could see the fear in my eyes so I looked away and at the window, I turned to face him when he was talking and he asked where I've been for the pass week , I gave up on the secret and told him everything and left out the part on how I miss everyone oh what I didn't leave that out and he just hugged me really tight same with happy . when I walked into my house I put on my new clothes on and went to the guild and I met up with Natus along the way and I just let out a breath when we came to the guild and I hold his hand really hard and we walked in and I saw everyone and good thing they didn't see me so I sat down and watched from a corner and saw Gray and Natsu fighting again so I shot some ice spears at them and everyone turned and found me so I just said hi as I stranded up from my corner and they ran at me and crushed me with there hugs when they let me go I told them the same story that I told Natsu and Happy on the train an they wouldn't leave me alone until the master told them to stop. When I got home I found a letter that was for Natsu so I opened it and it was from someone I had no idea who they were so when I finished reading the letter I hide the letter really good then he walks in and I smiled at him and he and happy smiled back at me and so I said what's up and he answered by saying not much and I looked at happy and just kept on smiling at him then I turn to Natsu and pulled him into a kiss even with Happy looking at us when we poled apart I looked at happy and told him not to tell anyone or I won't go fishing with them ever again an he promised me that he wouldn't so I said let's go fishing and I looked at Natsu and happy and they had a smile on there face , so I asked them on what they were thinking so they told me to bring a swim suit so I did and I met up with Natsu, Erza , Gray , Lucy , Wendy and happy and we went to the beach for the day and I didn't go in the water at all till I got thrown into the water bye Gray and Lucy and I got out of the water pretty fast and they looked at me so I took off my tank top and showed them my swim suit and there mouths were open but that didn't stop them from throwing me back into the water ( I really don't like water) so when they saw my face they stopped Natsu gave me a hug then asked me on what we should do so I said volleyball and I said boy's against girls but before I started the game I asked Wendy of she wanted to play and she said no. the girls beat the boys at volleyball and we went back to my house to do something then I was walking very slow today and they stopped to find me walking so slow so Natsu helped me get home and Lucy and Happy came up to me, When Lucy put her hand on my forehead she pulled it back pretty fast. we just looked at her then I started to cough an they put me in my bed but I kept on getting up and they put me back in the bed but I gave up and stayed in bed but I was being watch by them so I went to sleep and didn't wake up even when I wanted to sleep kept its hold on me. I can feel something cooled on my head and someone yelling and I think they were saying she's burning up and what are we going to do guys besides the fact that's she's not waking up, but all I can do is move and turn but my eyes won't open but I keep on trying to open them and see the others. I finally open my eyes and I see the others but I'm still weak and I try to say there's name but I couldn't so I turned and I guess I fell because I let out a little scream and they came over to me.

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